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Turning the Sod at Ard Churam
R.I.P. all those no longer with us.
Photo by John Kelliher of committee and fundraisers at the official starting ceremony for the building project that is now Ard Chúram
Charlotte Bronté, the Listowel connection
“Charlotte & Arthur is a story of love and grief as we see Charlotte falling for her husband only after they have wed, and her struggle to cope without her siblings as well as her own faltering health. A masterly work of skill and commitment, no stone or sod is left unturned in this fantastic recreation of Charlotte Bronte’s honeymoon in Ireland.”
– Liz Nugent
I haven’t started it yet but I’m looking forward to this new book from Pauline Clooney who its no stranger to Listowel and Listowel Writers’ Week.
Charlotte and Arthur’s honeymoon trip took them on a tour of Wales and Ireland. Follow their journey at the link below
Charlotte and Arthur honeymoon trip
Rutting Season
The rut has started in Killarney National Park. Jim MacSweeney was there to get a few photos.
Help would be appreciated
This weekend I had a V.I.P. visitor.
I had to introduce her to all the nearby beauty spots.
So I was away from my computer for 2 days and then this happened.
I moderate comments for obvious reasons. I have put in every filter I can think of. For instance I’ve blocked “By way of introduction” in all its forms, upper case, lower case and a mixture. I’ve blocked comments containing links. All no good. I come back to 291 rubbish spam comments selling me cbd oil, offering me jobs, praising my blog etc. etc. I dont really want to stop comments completely but it looks like I may have to.
Any helpful suggestions would be appreciated. And yes, I know I’ve written the trigger words here so I can look forward to even more “comments’ next week.