John Kelliher’s lovely photo of St. John’s in Winter 2017
Widening the park gateway
When this essential work is complete we should see a big improvement in traffic movement on Bridge Road.
A Famine Commemoration in Listowel
John Pierse makes it one of his life missions to make sure that Listowel remembers its Famine dead. His latest deed to keep the horrors of The Great Famine before our minds is a plaque at the hospital chapel. This plaque was unveiled on Saturday November 18 2017
The convent chapel is the last remaining piece of the old workhouse that is still in use.
The plaque was commissioned by Listowel Tidy Towns Committee and was executed by Darren Enright to John Pierse’s design. We also received a booklet on the day with valuable information about the Famine in Listowel.
John Pierse is a very painstaking historian. He left no stone unturned in his efforts to locate a photograph of the flower of the lumper potato. The lumper was the potato that everyone grew in Ireland in the nineteenth century. It was softer than today’s potatoes and was eaten raw by the people in the workhouse. Unfortunately it was very susceptible to blight.
Jimmy Moloney was the very able M.C. for the ceremony.
Julie Gleeson, chair of Listowel Tidy Towns, John Pierse, Kay Caball, John Lucid, Bryan MacMahon, Jimmy Moloney and Mary Hanlon.
Julie spoke on behalf of Listowel Tidy Town who organised the event.
Sr. Margaret spoke on behalf of the Sisters of Mercy in whose chapel the plaque was erected.
The blessing was an ecumenical one with Fr. Hegarty and Rev. Harding performing the prayerful dedication.
Some local people among the large attendance.
Ballybunion Tidy Town Committee were invited.
These four Mercy sisters came from Killarney
A Corner of Town is Changing
Refurbishment at Doran’s continues. Soon Upper Church Street will have a whole new aspect.
I met Santa Yesterday, November 26 2017
Folks, if you are familiar with the Lartigue, you won’t recognise it and if you’ve never been, you’ll think you are in Wonderland.
These are just some of the elves who have made this Listowel Santa experience happen.
will run every weekend from now until Christmas. Click the link above to book. There is a trip on the Lartigue, a visit to Santa, a cookie decorating and Christmas tree ornament decorating workshop. There is hot chocolate, story reading with Mrs. Claus and a Christmas movie in Santa’s own private cinema.
Listowel singers are singing carols live and there are goodies to take away. These goodies include a lovely Christmas story book written and illustrated by Olive Stack and visiting artist Jennifer Walls.
There is great credit due to everyone who worked hard to make this happen. I am particularly delighted to see the baton of volunteerism passed to a new generation.