A few aspects of town you might have overlooked

entrance to golf course

I had chosen the above photo for inclusion before I read that Listowel Golf Course has closed. Someone who posts on Boards as Mike Hn posted the below photo recently of the site where the golf course used to be.

woodland walk

from Market St.
old mart car park

house on Market St.


Bang Bang, a beloved Dublin character

(source:Rare Irish Stuff)
(source:Photos of Dublin)

Bang Bang was the nickname of a well known Dublin character in the sixties and seventies.  He was a grown up cowboy and Dublin was his Dodge City. He used to jump on the running board of buses and “shoot” passers by with his imaginary gun. The “gun” was, in fact, a big key and it is now preserved  in the National Museum. With so much gun crime on the streets of our capital nowadays the key is a reminder of a more innocent age.


Home is the Hero

Some photos by John Stack of the Listowel homecoming of the victorious Kerry football team.

4 Greats of Football;  Barry John Keane, Eamon Fitzmaurice, Mick Finucane ( The oldest man alive to hold an All Ireland Medal with Kerry) and Shane Enright.

The following photos are from Ian Flavin Photography on Facebook

And one from Bridget O’Connor taken in The Horseshoe


Read the following account of the new stainless steel urinals in John B. Keane’s and have a good old laugh.
