Athea Tidy Town Committee posted this picture postcard of their lovely village during the December cold snap.
I visited shortly after Christmas and took a few photos of my own.
This is the local Post office.
At Christmas it had this lovely stain glass effect picture by local artist, Jim Dunn, in the window. My photo does not do it justice.
Wintry conditions have slowed progress on the magnificent mural but it is always a delight to watch this masterpiece in progress.
As I walked through the main street, this delightful makeover of a post box caught my eye. Unusually, the box is on the wall of a private dwelling. Maybe it was once the post office?
This house had an almost life sized crib in front.
This piece of sculpture commemorates the town’s most famous athletes, the Aherne brothers.
A whole social history of Athea is captured by Jim Dunn in this intricate and fascinating mural. Below are some of the cameos included. They represent everything that the village holds dear. In years to come will people come to Athea as they do to Derry just to look at the wall art?
Old Listowel
This is a photo of the old bridge to Listowel racecourse
Fungi still going strong in 2015
Fungi photographed by his friends at Fungie Forever