This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Ballybunion and Listowel

Ballybunion at Christmas 2021


Neighbours and Friends

Cyril Kelly sent the photo to Eamonn Dillon and Eamonn sent it to me. It’s a picture of Church Street neighbours and shopkeepers, Liam Dillon (Eamonn’s father) and Mai Naylor (Cyril’s mother).


Sign of the Times

Lynch’s Coffee Shop is now reopened


New Business on Leahy’s Corner


A Poem of Hope for an End to This

Covid Sonnet

John McGrath (published in John’s anthology, After Closing)

The world has pinned us with a warning glance,

the kind our mothers gave us long ago,

the look that was designed to let us know

that this might be our last and final chance.

So grounded, we can only hope and pray 

as, day by day, we inch away from fear

and tiptoe towards a future far from clear

our wounded planet showing us the way,

that voices raised in ignorance and greed

may yet be drowned by kindnesses and care,

together we may rise above despair,

united we will find the strength we need

as, all for one, we reach beyond the pain

and dare to dream tomorrow once again.


The Holy Season closes in St. Mary’s, Listowel


Memories of the Movies

News that the cinema has closed brought up some cinema memories for blog followers.

So sad to see the Astor closing . It was a huge part of growing up for me . Introduced us to a fantasy world where we believe we were Cowboys / Indians ie The Durango Kid, Johnny McBrown , The Lone Ranger or Tonto, Elvis movies always guaranteed a full house . I remember a Chubby Checker Movie where every one was on their feet doing the Twist. Peter Cushing , Christopher Lee and Boris Karloff scaring us to death. What a great time it was. Noel Roche

I accompanied my grandmother to the matinee every Sunday. It was her outing. But for me on Monday at school the question was who went to the cinema yesterday. I had to stand up then my hands were put on the desk palm side down and I got wacked with the bamboo across my knuckles. That was my punishment for watching Hoppalong Cassidy with my gran. Not good memories. Maria Sham

So sad I remember in my day it was a great meeting place and we did not have much else going on in Listowel at night. It is definitely a sign of the times. Frankie Chute Phillips



Cinema Closure


Rural Regeration


  1. Sile Breathnach

    Your blog has been blocked by my phone so I’m trying to re subscribe

    • listowelconnection

      Síle, I’ve fixed the problem. My blog didn’t have an ssl certificate. i was assured I didn’t need it as no one on my mailing list ever enters any private information. I’m not selling thru the site or collecting donations so I never ever ask for credit card details or other personal information. Anyway a change in the rules for browsers means that every site has to have this extra layer of protection. I have today bought the ssl cert so you should be able to access the site now and you should see the padlock symbol beside the name of the site in the address bar.

      • Sile Breathnach

        Thank you so much, really look forward to your blog. Keep up the good work, really appreciate it

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