Footballers and their Books

If there had been our usual book launch for Bernard Brogan’s book, Jimmy Deenihan would have been the man doing it.

There was a kind of mini launch anyway and Jimmy sent me two photos. The first is placing Bernard’s book among the poets and literati.

I think Bernard Brogan is more at home in the Sports biography section. I’m not really the target market for sports biography but I did read Jimmy Deenihan’s which he published to raise funds for the Lartigue restoration project. I’d highly recommend it  to even non football fans like myself. Some great stories there.

According to tales on the Late  Late Show and elsewhere, it was Jimmy who “made the match” between Bernard’s parents so he has a lot to answer for to Kerry fans. If you have any football fans on your Christmas list, Bernard’s or even Jimmy’s books would be a sound bet.


Cow Time

This photo popped up in a Facebook page called The Irish in London. She must be the quietest cow in Ireland. no halter, no spancel, no stall. Patience personified.


An Old Golf Photo

Patsy O’Sullivan gave me this photo a good while ago. I posted it a while back with a request for names.

Nicholas Leonard sought the help of his old friend and colleague, P.J. Houlihan, hurler turned golfer. P.J. with the help of a few friends came up with all the names except one.

Here they are;

Back row L to R. Mike Holly,  Tom O’Donnell, Willie Enright, Danny Lyons, Sean Sullivan, Patk. O ‘Sullivan, Brendan Stack, P J.  Houlihan, Colm O Callaghan, John  Molyneaux, Dan Sheehan. 

Front row L to R., J B O’ Shea, Michael Barrett, Patsy O Sullivan, Frank Pierce, Didgie O Connor, Jerry Brick, unknown.

Now we only need the name of the man on the far right in front and a year and occasion for the photo.


Season of Mists and Mellow fruitfulness

Tralee Community Garden 2020