November 2017

Its not nearly as bad as Thomas Hood makes out in his poem

No sun – no moon! 

No morn – no noon – 

No dawn – no dusk – no proper time of day. 

No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease, 

No comfortable feel in any member – 

No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, 

No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds! – 


Thomas Hood

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Bridge Road is Changing

Recently Bridge Road has become a traffic headache for many people who live there or who have to drive through Listowel at certain times of the day.

This is soon to change with work to begin on the enlarging of the entrance to the town park. At present if a car is on the way out the car entering the park has to wait. This is causing traffic to back up on Bridge Road.

Another cause of concern on Bridge Rd is the entrance to the housing estate which is located opposite the entrance to the park.

Plans are afoot to improve this junction as well.


Still Knitting and Nattering

Our knitting group meets in Scribes on Church Street on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 11.00a.m.

 New members are always welcome.


Simon Delaney in Lizzie’s

Photo; Lizzie’s Little Kitchen

Simon Delaney of TV3 and now more famous as the writer of a cookbook was in town to open the Food fair. He called in to his friend Lizzie and her husband in her workplace.


Listowel’s Half Marathon 11/11/2017

Every Saturday morning a group of fitness conscious individuals meet in Listowel Town Park for the weekly park run.

On Saturday last, some of the more experienced among them joined serious runners for Listowel’s annual half marathon.  The race was run in atrocious weather conditions.

This photo was taken by super photographer, Chris Grayson. People who follow my blog regularly will be familiar with Chris’ great photographs. There is much more to Chris than beautiful photographs. Chris is a dedicated marathon runner and on Saturday in Listowel he was doing a job of pacing for the athletes. That is him below in the middle; Number 61

These are Chris’ photos of the participants’ medal


Lest we Forget

Every November Listowel remembers its war dead at a special mass and ceremony. These former soldiers with their flags were proud to stand for my photo outside St. Mary’s Listowel before the mass on November 12 2017


Every Picture Tells a Story

Who cares about the weather when you are happy? John Stack took this great photo and here is the caption he put with it on Facebook.

Darren O’Connor, Captain Ballydonoghue receiving the cup from Johnny Stack, Chairman North Kerry Football Board after defeating Moyvane in the final of the Kieran Corridan Intermediate Cup Final Sponsored South Of Ireland Waste Management played in Ballylongford on Saturday. 

(P.S. Saturday, Nov. 11 2017 was one of the wettest  days in North Kerry in a long time.)