This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Christmas Memories

John Tangney somewhere in Eastern Europe


Christmas Past

Bord na Mona workers Christmas 1944. These turfmen, and they were all men, came from all over Ireland in the 1940s and 50s to harvest turf in the midland bogs. The work was backbreakingly hard, cold, wet and inhospitable. They were accommodated in hostels where they stayed for the season.

From 1942 to 1944 any men who stayed on for the winter were brought into Edenderry and Newbridge Hostels for special Christmas events. They usually arrived on the 24th and stayed until December 27th. St Stephen’s Day activities were usually football games and other sporting events. In 1945, due to falling numbers the event was confined to Newbridge. This photo comes from Newbridge Hostel in 1944.” Bord na Mona Archive


All Ireland Winners

Tim Kennelly, Tony McAuliffe and Gary MacMahon

R.I.P. All Ireland Football medal winners from Listowel


Cold Turkey by Cyril Kelly

Christmas in Church Street in the 1950s


If You are in any way squeamish, DONT read this great Christmas essay by Cyril Kelly.

I warned you. If you read it despite my warning, you may be sorry.


Happy Times in School

I have no date for this but it is a Staff versus Pupils End of Term Match. These were always great fun. R.I.P. Cliff, in school uniform.


Listowel , Sound Town

Today fm has declared Listowel Ireland’s Soundest Town 2022. They hit town on Saturday to kick off the start of the Christmas Season in Listowel.



Remembering Neodata


Christmas in Listowel Started


  1. Bridget O’Connor

    Brought back memories of Mai Naylor, turkeys; school in the one blog!
    Míle buíochas Mary

  2. Noreen O'Connell

    OMG how I love Cyril Kelly’s essay ! Both his mother’s sewing and killing of turkey so aptly described. A brilliant man of words. His mother known to all and sundry as Mai Naylor made my wedding head-dress. Would he ever put all his fantastic essays in book form I wonder.

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