Breakfast like a king,
Lunch like a prince
And dinner like a pauper.
This ancient nutritional advice seemed to be the order of the day last week when I was invited to attend a breakfast meeting in The Horseshoe. The invitation came from my lovely past pupil, Lisa O’Carroll who works in the local Enterprise Office.
This is Lisa with her good friend, Jennifer Scanlon of Coco, Listowel
This is Tomás Hayes of the Enterprise Office who welcomed us and told us what this gathering was all about. Lisa and Tomás are the people to contact if you are an entrepreneur starting up a business or expanding an existing one in the Kerry area. They are all about job creation and they will help you with every aspect of doing business in Kerry.
Below you will see many of the local people who were in attendance.
The special guest was Tom Dowling.
As soon as he got up to speak, I knew I’d met him before. Tom was none other than the judge who came to town last summer to see our town put on its best face for The Pride of Place competition.
My photo shows Tom and his wife in The Seanchaí last summer, chatting to Eddie Moylan of Listowel Vintage Wireless Museum.
On Wednesday, February 24 2016 Tom had his other hat on. He had come this time to talk to us about Connect Ireland. This is an initiative to bring employment to rural Ireland. It’s all about the emotional connection.
Many Irish people abroad would love to relocate a business here or would love to start up a new one here. Many other people know people who are thinking of locating a business elsewhere but might be open to coming to rural Ireland. Connect Ireland is all about getting the message out there that Ireland is a great place to do business.
If you know someone like this, Connect Ireland will give them every help to start up here.
Take a look at the Connect Ireland website . You’d never know, this could be the start of something.
Flavins has a new shop assistant
The fifth generation Flavin is too small to stand behind the counter but Clara posed with her mother, Anne and her aunt Joan in Flavins of Church St. Listowel last week
Chimney and Roof Repairs at Allos and Lees
Up on the roof in Church St. Listowel on February 24 2016
Big Night planned for Coolard Scholars
The above photos from the great Kennelly Archive were taken in December 1957 when Santa visited Coolard. These children are all grown up now. I wonder do they remember that day in 1957. No doubt this and many other school memories will be relived as people dip into Maurice O’Mahony’s History of Coolard school which will be launched in St. John’s on Saturday evening next March 5 2016.