You have to Laugh
A Poem about ducks by a poet called Catherine Gander
A Literary Treasure returns to Listowel
The above picture by Tom Fitzgerald illustrates a great story in the Irish Examiner, October 4 2021
The man in the front in blue was clearing out an old house in Cork when he came upon the original script of John B’s Sive signed by the author.
Karl Harding is a keen John B. Keane aficionado. He and his wife Mar determined that Kerry Writers Museum was the proper place for this treasure. They are pictured above with Cara Trant and members of the Keane family at the hand over.
October Horse Fair 2021
Smaller than usual but a welcome return to near normal, the horse fair returned to Market Street yesterday. There were goats, donkeys, ponies and miniature horse breeds but very few horses.