Harvesting at Rattoo
Photo; Bridget O’Connor
Saving the hay
This lovely old photo was of a group of haymakers in a field in Ahanangran, Ballylongfond was posted line by Liam O’Hainnín.
The group, and we dont have names, is heading out for a day in the hayfield or maybe returning home from saving the hay.
I was fascinated to see the implement that they had tackled to their horse. I called it a Tumbling Paddy, Liam knew it as a slide and Elizabeth Brosnan used to call it a Haveller. I have mentioned it before because I have very clear memories of my father working with one. It was a big wooden rake like implement which the horseman pushed along gathering the hay as he went. When he had the makings of a wynn gathered he put the horses reins over his head and he tumbled the slide over, dumping the hay in a cock to be later made into a wynn by the other haymakers. He then had to side step around the heap of hay, retake control of his horse and start gathering again.
A Brand New Complex at The Island
John Kelliher took the photos on the occasion of the opening of the new stand and food hall. I can’t wait to see it. Here are just a few of the many photos John took on the night.
Kathleen McCarthy has a gifted Pair of Hands
Patchwork is just one of the many crafts Kathleen can turn her hand to. Every stitch in this masterpiece of 683 patches was hand sewn by Kathleen and the quilt is fully lined. Surely a heirloom to keep in the family for generations to come.
Lest we forget
Jim Halpin recently posted this heartbreaking video from a page called Flashback .
Update on Sonny Bill from his new home in the U.K.
The following is from this month’s Horse and Hound
His new owner has high hopes for Sonny Bill in his future career in showing……and you saw him here first.