A lovely Cork dog who is a very willing model.


A New Business Opens

Everyone is wishing the best of luck to the plucky Debra who opened a new Hair Salon recently.

It is next door to Helena Halpin’s lovely boutique. Blossom.


Moyvane Schoolgirls in the 1950’s

1950’s Moyvane Girls : 

Front L. to R. Teresa Stack, 

Hannah Foley, Breda Moore, Nell Culhane, ? Carmody, Mary O’Rourke, Theresa Flaherty, Mary Kissane, Anna Maria McEnery. Middle L. to R. Mary Ann Mulvihill, Lil Carmody, Kitty Culhane, Kathleen Culhane, Catherine O’ Connor, May Carmody, Noreen Buckley, Brenda Moriarty, Mary Culhane. Back L. to R. Eileen Stack, Mary Carmel Cunningham, Ellen Mulvihill, Helen Hanrahan, Collette Noonan, Christina Guiney, Bridget Bunce, Marie Stack, Margaret Bunce


Hard Times for The Listowel St. Vincent de Paul

Listowel St. Vincent de Paul chapter depends for its income on weekly bingo, sale of goods in its William Street shop and charitable donations. The first two income streams have dried up during the Covid pandemic. 

On Saturday July 18 2020 they organised a big sale of goods in The Ozanam Centre and the town came out in force to support them.

I hope they did really well because they will have many demands on their help in the upcoming hard times.


Ireland, the Best Place to Holiday in 2020

Photo: Banna by Breda Ferris

Photo; Cliffs of Moher, Máire Clare

Photo; Ballybunion, Mary Nolan

Photo; Kilkee, Geraldine O’Connor

Photo; Evening time in Ballybunion by Carine Schweitzer

All of these photos were taken this week.