” I’m trying to read, Helios. Walkies later….”

Helios is the Cork Cogan family’s lovely dog.


Arise, Knocknagoshel

The charming village of Knocknagoshel is perched above its neighbours on a Kerry hillside.I took a wander with my camera and here is the first flavour of this village /nation.

Reynard greets you on your approach.

The purpose of my visit was to seek out Kieran in his village shop.

My book is now on sale in 100% of retail outlets in Knockgoshel.

I took a little stroll around as I was at it.


Halloween 2019

Knocknagoshel is the home of Halloween in Kerry but Listowel can do spooky too. Look at Finesse window.


Just for a Laugh

A Baby Sardine     by Spike Milligan

A baby sardine

Saw her first submarine

She was scared and watched through a peephole.

“Oh, come, come, come,”

Said the sardine’s mum,

“It’s only a tin full of people.”


Cogar Mogar

Aidan, Brendan agus Eamon ÓMurchú

Kay Caball snapped the three ÓMurchú brothers deep in conversation at the launch of

A Minute of your time.