The End of an Era

but maybe not for a while.

I met Pierce Walsh of John R.’s last week as he was setting out his outdoor dining on another sunny Listowel day in summer 2022.
John R.s has been part and parcel of Listowel life for long before I came to town.

The late John R. ran a thriving business. His Christmas hams, puddings and cakes were legendary. He also had a regular clientele for his bar business.
Pierce, the next generation, had a new progressive vision for the business he took over from his father. Over the years he has built and expanded the catering and take away aspects of the business as well as the well stocked delicatessen and off licence.
He added a new offering for the visitor in his beautifully furnished and equipped holiday apartments and rooms.
The business is thriving so Pierce has picked a good time to step back and enjoy the fruits of his hard work.
He tells me that he is in no hurry to go so he will be serving us for a good while yet.
An Old Book
I was anxious to get my hands on a copy of Hostage to Fortune by Joseph O’Connor. This Joseph lived in Listowel as a young boy before his family moved to Dingle and he tells a few stories told to him by his grandfather Wilmot, a blacksmith in Church Street. These stories include an eviction in 1863 and the official opening of The Lartigue.
The helpful folk in Listowel Library got me a copy to borrow. If you’re a member of the library (it’s free) this book is well worth a read.
It was published by The Kerryman in 1983

The book still has the old library card in it. It had been taken out of circulation but kept safely.
A Few more Irishisms
Ronan Moore fills us in on a few Irish conversation fillers that might baffle a visitor.

Pres. Yearbook 2009

Having your artwork featured on the yearbook cover was a huge honour for a senior Art student. It often pointed the way to a future career in some artistic field or other. This is Jane Kissane’s cover for 2009 2010.
Neil Brosnan
Re Hostage to Fortune.
I once owned a copy of that book, which some borrower failed to return to me.
As I recall, the cover design is by Dervil Jordan (sister of Neil Jordan, and now head of NCAD)
Dervil was Listowel based in the mid 80s; we were both on the Horseshoe pub quiz team.
Hi Neil,
What an extraordinary piece of information. I’m sorry you lost your copy, Neil. It’s a great book