This is the verger’s house in Kildare town.

Kildare Cathedral is still a working parish church and the verger still lives in the nearby grace and favour house
I spent a morning in Naas during my recent trip. Naas is Kildare’s county town and the county is known as the short grass county.

This is an old well that gives it’s name to the nearby Well Street.

No one could tell me what this sculpture was all about but by all accounts its been there for years,

As in many towns, housing schemes are called after local heroes.

All over town, old bicycles were repurposed as decorations.

The fair green was part of the Historic trail.

I’ve told you here before about the Listowel phenomenon where the streets have one name in English and a totally different name in Irish.

They have this problem sorted in Naas…just call the street the same name in either language.

Looks Like Santa will be bringing a Lot of Smart TVs this year

Ballybunion fro Shannonside Annual 1956

New Shop in Town

This new dress shop in located in Convent Street opposite Garvey’s Super Valu.