Listowel Town Square February 2019


Someone will surely give me a year for this group of lovely young ladies who were my 1 Aodan class when I took the photo.


Remember that Panto in 1974?

One of the highlights of that first pantomime was the interval drag act when some very unlikely local business men dressed up á lá Danny La Rue. Jimmy Moloney Sr. has very kindly shared a press cutting.

The lovely “ladies” are

Vincent Moloney, The Square, R.I.P., Jimmy Moloney, Gurtinard, Kieran Moloney, The Square, Tony Faley, Small Sq. R.I.P., Jerome Murphy, Charles St. R.I.P., Paudie Fitzmaurice, Cahirdown R.I.P.


Now and Then




A Little Poem for you

“No place like home, “she said

Eighty, in her rocking chair,

“where you can spit in the fire

Saucer your tea

and call the cat a bastard.”

Brendan Kennelly


Poetry In the Park

A group of local writers gathered in the Seanchaí on Sunday February 17 2019 for their regular Poetry in the Park event. The change from the park to the Seanchaí was necessitated by the weather.

I enjoyed the poetry stories, song and banter. If you are a writer, watch out for their events. They are very welcoming

These are some of the lovely writers who were there on the day.


More action shots  from the tennis courts