Photo; Éamon ÓMurchú in Malahide


Family Time

One of my Ballincollig grandchildren attends Gaelscoil Uí Riordáin.

I attend their show last week. It was hard to believe that they were just primary school fifth and sixth class pupils. They were superb.

There is my little Cora giving it socks as an exotic dancer.


Tony O’Callaghan and the Listowel Police Mutiny

This is the Tony O’Callaghan plaque on display in Listowel Garda Barracks. It is a record of the names of the mutineers.

“On June 19th 1920, fourteen rank and file members of the Royal Irish Constabulary in Listowel defied the order of their superior officers and refused to hand over the control of the barracks to the British Military, and to adopt a shoot to kill policy against the local community. This incident – forever more known as the Listowel Police Mutiny – was a seminal event in the Irish War of Independence.” Kerry Writers Museum.


Then and Now


A Ballybunion Sunday

Essential training and practice for this vital service takes place on Sunday mornings in Ballybunion. My daughter-in-law took the photos.


A Fact

A jiffy is an actual unit of time. It’s 1/100 of a second.
