Recently, Ger Greaney, our chairperson in NKRO took a trip with his family to The Big Apple. While there he visited the New York City Library and, just for curiosity, he looked up what books they have about Listowel, Co. Kerry. They have two. One is Fr. Anthony Gaughan’s Listowel and its Vicinity, a second edition of which sold recently at auction for €400 and the other was …
Listowel Through a Lens.
Apart from bragging, why am I telling you this?
Because I, Mary Cogan, publisher of this book, am making the last remaining copies of it available at €5 each, while stocks last. If I have to post it to you, the bad news is that you will have to cover that cost, which, unfortunately will be more than the cost of the book.
For those of you not familiar with the book, it is a book of photographs of Listowel during the Celtic Tiger years. Much has changed since I took the photos between 2000 and 2009. The book records a prosperous and dynamic time in the history of Listowel.
Below are a few of the many photographs
A Corpus Christi procession with Fr. Donal O’Connor.
Joe Stack of RTE shares a joke with his former teacher, Eleanor Scanlon who, I am sad to say, passed away earlier this year.
A group of Ashes old boys who togged out for a victorious trip down memory lane.
The late great Michael Dowling, in the role of St. Patrick, a role he did so well, leads Listowel Emmets down Courthouse Rd.
Local historian and businessman, Jack McKenna, leads locals and visitors on a walking tour of the town during Writers’ Week.
You can contact me at if you would like a copy.
Why not bag a collector’s item for the grandchildren!