Ballylongford by Breda Ferris


Virtue Signalling


Fact Sometime stranger than fiction

Regular readers of this blog will know that this is my kind of book. I picked this one up in Listowel’s Vincent de Paul shop and I’m loving it.

Here is a gem for you.

Greg Norman, the golfer is known as The Shark (He comes from Queensland, home of the great white and he plays very aggressively)

Once while fishing in Florida he caught an 80 pound blacktop shark. It was immediately eaten by a hammerhead, ten times as big.


Ballylongford Windows

During the blacksmithing festival a local shop in Ballylongford displayed some old implements. Breda Ferris took the photos.


New Shop in Town

In Mill Lane


Update re spam comments

A big thank you to the people who helped me solve my spam problem. Peace has been restored. Comment away, if you like, but you must do it within 5 days of my posting.
