Photo; Chris Grayson
They’re Up and at it in Lyreacrompane
The Lyreacrompane Heritage Group proposes to renovate the Old Glen Schoolhouse in Lyreacrompane, Co. Kerry – a protected structure. Planning Permission has been granted to develop a multi-purpose facility that will showcase the unique history and heritage of the area along with creating an intimate community space for a range of activities. Lyreacrompane is located in an upland region of North Kerry approximately 15 km from Listowel and Castleisland, 18km from Abbeyfeale and 22km from Tralee. Find out more at
Listowel’s Carnegie Library
This story is still rumbling on.
Denis Quille found this old photo of The Bridge Road. In it, on the right hand side, you can see the remains of the old library.
Quick recap on the history of that building.
In 1910 local leaders recognised the need for a library in town. They passed a motion at the UDC meeting to approach Lord Listowel for a site. They proposed to approach The Carnegie Trust for money to fit it out and then to pay for the upkeep from an extra penny on the rates.
The story dragged on a bit with approaches to Crosbie, Lord Listowel’s agent, to the Carnegie trust, a bit of a local kerfuffle when a Cork firm got the contract etc. until 1915 when the library or Hall as it was known was finally opened.
Listowel’s own Carnegie Hall was the town hall, a concert venue, a classroom and meeting room as well as a free lending library.
It thrived and served the people of the town well until one Sunday night in 1921 at the height of The Troubles, the building was gutted by fire. Fearing that the dreaded Black and Tans, who were on their way to town, would set up headquarters there, the local IRA burned the building. The UDC records as well as the books and equipment were all lost. A notice posted on the burned out shell claimed that the IRA had saved it from “the army of occupation”.
The ruin of the building remained on Bridge Road, a grim reminder of a troubled time until it was eventually levelled to make way for a store.
Now back to the old photo which Denis Quille found in an old album. I mistakenly thought that the photo was taken while the building was intact. Not so.
Derry Buckley who knows Bridge Road well has done a bit of research for us.
Derry has circled the houses which were built by hisgrandfather.
“Jerry Buckley, my Grandfather built a house, and then lived in it while he built another. He moved home to the next house as he went along, Dad was born in 37 Bridge Rd. in 1932. The twins who died were born in another then Beatrice and Toddy in the corner house 51 in 1938. The end houses which are in the photo 53 and 55 were built after this so pic is about 1940.”
Another piece of evidence that the photo is younger than I thought is the presence of electricity wires. Listowel had electricity before rural electrification. The below quote is from the ESB archive
· Listowel Electric Light and Power Co. Ltd. was in operation before 1927. It supplied 336 homes and businesses in 1929, and was acquired by ESB in September 1929.
Derry has also circled in blue, Junior Griffin’s old home which was built in the 1930s.
So until anyone else comes along to tell us otherwise, we’ll take it that this great photo dates from the 1940s.
By the way, wasn’t Gurtinard Wood massive?
Tralee Rose Mural
Just off the Square in Tralee
The Boys have a new Strip
Boys from Scoil Realta na Maidine with Jennifer Scanlan of Coco Kids who designed and sponsored their new match strip.
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InB in September 1929. T