Today Oct. 6 2011 is the day of the horse fair. This is the scene on Market St.

 Can the recession be so deep that there are so few horses for sale?

The short answer is, “No”.

The fair has moved from Market St. to the nearby old mart premises.

This is the scene inside the mart gate. Plenty of horse trading going on here.

Our chairman in North Kerry Reaching Out was deep in conversation with some well known horse men. Could he be about to trade his bicycle for a quadruped? I wondered .

In its new location the horse fair can now host traders. It was forbidden to do this on Market St.

This is also moved from Market St. No loss there!

On my way out I noticed that some few horse sellers had still remained on the street. I photographed them under some well known Listowel landmarks.

I even met some of my neighbours on Market St.

Here ends my picture essay on a new chapter in the history of Listowel’s October Horse Fair.