While I was out and about on Sunday I called in to the Community Centre and they had these newspaper cuttings on a noticeboard on the wall. They date from 1985/86 when the centre was opened.

On my way home I noticed that this shop

is drawing our attention to the fact that it is trading in Listowel for 100 years.

At the corner of Courthouse Road is this lovely studio shop.

I took the photograph through the window of Aoife Hannon’s millinery studio.

 There is a long tradition of millinery in Listowel. Before my time, two generations of the Nailor family made hats for North Kerry ladies. 

Now Aoife is carrying on the tradition with her stylish and eye catching creations.


If you want to become a wedding photographer take a look at this,



Tonight on TG4 the programme, Cé a chónaigh i mo Theachsa comes from Glin Castle. Manchan Magan made the programme with the late knight shortly before his death.

And don’t forget the big night in Dublin tomorrow night.

Dublin in the 1980’s: lovely photographs
