Tom Fitzgerald’s photo of The Black Rocks, Ballybunion in May 2020


FCA Picture…A Few Names

Eamon OMurchú helped out with a few names for Maureen Barrett’s old photo.

Front row: Extreme Left – Michael Whelan; 3rd from Left – Gerry Flaherty;

Second Row: 3rd from Right – Johnny Griffin; 2nd from Right – Tony O’Connor; Extreme Right – ….Moloney (not certain). 

Back Row: Second from Left Cpl Bridgeman (Tarbert); 3rd from Right at very back Bill Carmody. 


St. Mary’s, Listowel Now

The church is now open for private prayer from the end of morning mass until 5.00p.m. It is a very changed place. Here are some photos I took last week.


Listowel Writers’ Week 2012

Boys from Scoil Realta na Maidine form a guard of honour for Michael D. Higgins as he arrives to open the festival.

Some of the Children’s Committee on Opening Night

Large crowd in the circus tent for one of the children’s events.

Tonight was to be Opening Night of the 50th festival and the committee are inviting us all to go online to see the announcement of this year’s prizewinners.


Interim President of IT Tralee is a Listowel man

Photo and story from Tralee Today

DR Brendan O’Donnell has been appointed as Interim President of the Institute of Technology Tralee.

Dr O’Donnell stated that he was “honoured to be appointed and looking forward to working with the Governing Body, staff and students and all our stakeholders to ensure that the Institute continues to grow and develop and is a key enabler of economic, social and cultural development.

“My key priority is to see the establishment of the Munster Technological University in collaboration with our colleagues in CIT. A University Campus in Tralee adjacent to the Kerry Technology Park will significantly contribute to the overall economic development of not only Kerry but the wider region,” he said.

Dr Brendan O’Donnell is a native of Listowel. Following the completion of an engineering degree in UCD, Brendan was employed as a research fellow with An Foras Taluntais (succeeded by Teagasc) where he completed a PhD in the field of renewable energy.

Brendan joined the engineering department of what was then Tralee RTC as a lecturer in January 1991. He was appointed to the position of Head of Department for Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths in 2012 a position he held until 2016 when he was promoted to the position of Vice President for Academic Affairs & Registrar.

Mr O’Donnell has held the position of acting President of the Institute since May 2019.

The Chairperson of the Governing Body Mr Lionel Alexander extended his congratulations to Brendan on his appointment and stated that; “The Institute is at a exciting juncture with a decision on the application to become Munster Technological University due before the end of the week. I look forward to working closely with Brendan, the executive team, and the Governing Body and would like to extend my congratulations as he takes on this leadership role during a time of momentous change for our organisation.”