St. John’s from the door of No. 24 The Square
Michael O’Connor’s Magnum Opus

On the left is Fr. Brendan O’Connor with a copy of The Breastplate of St. Patrick which he presented to St. Patrick Centre, Downpatrick during the International Day of Celtic Art in Downpatrick in 2023.

Here is a photo of the breastplate on display in Kerry Writers’ Museum. Below are some details from the magnificent piece.

Victorian Postbox

My friend, Aileen, spotted this one in Cobh, Co. Cork
From the Archives
A distinguished Listowel man who died a century ago
Kerry Advocate Sat Jan 22 1916
Mr M B O’Neill JP
(From Saturday’s Cork Examiner)
It is with sincere regret we chronical the death of Mr M B O’Neill JP. The sad event occurred at his residence, 1 Western Terrace, Western road, early on Friday. The deceased was a native of Listowel, being a member of a talented Kerry family which gained considerable distinction in the teaching profession. He entered the domain of journalism, and for many years was a valued member of the literary staff of this journal up to his retirement some years ago. Mr O’Neill was a man whose geniality and good nature won him many close friends and the warm affection of his colleagues in the Press, particularly the Cork Press, with which he was so honourably and long identified. He was a man of high literary ability and well qualified to attain to success in his chosen profession. His activities as a pressman made him intimately acquainted with prominent men of his time, and his reminiscences of the more stirring times in Ireland, particularly during the early days of the Land League were matters of great interest to his younger colleagues. He was an excellent talker, a keen humourist, and a man who displayed an amazing knowledge of books, men, and affairs, without trace of pedantry or a suspicion of ostentation. Hence his company was highly esteemed, and acquaintance with him ripened into fast friendship.
His numerous friends today sincerely mourn his death but none more so than his journalistic colleagues, for them Mr O’Neill always played the part of the kindly mentor, and never that of the severe critic. In this genuine trait of his character rested the affection with which his colleagues in this journal regarded him; while his many manly attributes and sincerity in friendship earned him a true regard and an unaffected esteem. A brilliant writer, his articles in the ‘Examiner’ carried the weight of conviction and championed to successful issue any noble causes. His personal sympathies never obtruded his editorial column, or did prejudice ever distort his work as a journalist. For years he was a correspondent to American journals, and contributed many stirring articles to these papers. As a reporter Mr O’Neill was a most accurate note taker, and a most effective descriptive writer. The late Mr O’Neill attined the climax of journalistic ambition but his success was not attributable to preferment of any sort, rather was it due to merit, ability and general fitness.
To his bereaved widow, his brother in law Mr D J O’Mahony City Analyst and other members of his family, deep sympathy will go forth from the citizens; while the Press of Cork mourn in his death the loss of a noble and loyal colleague.
Dolly Day, June 24 2023

Our newest sweet shop, Sweet Times, opened on Church Street on Dolly Day.

Many of the town’s shops dressed their windows in the Parton theme.

As I approached the sports field this open top car loaded with Dollies was sailing past.

A sea of denim and blonde wigs was heading up Cahirdown.

Christy, like the other organisers, were nuns.

We met Alice who had accessorised her outfit with a blinged up guitar.

Peter and Mary McGrath were happy to be counted among the Dollys
(more tomorrow)