This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Custom Gap

The Garden of Europe, Castleisland and Balls in Bromley

Top of the Bridge Road, Listowel in March 2017


Another new business in The Square


Listowel’s Garden of Europe

” where hope and history rhyme” (Seamus Heaney) Bright yellow broom blossoms in the foreground and behind is the memorial to Europe’s darkest hour.



While I was in Castleisland I popped in to the church to see its windows and statues.

Most of the windows do not have stained glass. 


Some of Listowel’s revered Old Stock

Jer Kennelly spotted Danny and Eileen walking in the sunshine last week.


Balls in Bromley

Maria Sham spotted these and thought of us. 

Listowel Races, Pride of Place 2015 and a traditional thatched cottage

Race week in Listowel and an All Ireland Final to look forward to

Listowel is festooned for Race Week but football is not too far from people’s minds.

Meanwhile on The Island…..

(Photo; Bridget O’Connor)

The weather is spoiling everything.


More Photos from the Pride of Place judging

All of these local people were in The Lartigue Museum for the judges visit.


Looking Lovely!


“Fond memory brings the light

Of other days around me”

Photo from The Capuchin Archives

By the roadside, Croagh Patrick, County Mayo, c. 1910

An image of a traditional thatched cottage at the base of Croagh Patrick, a mountain and an important site of pilgrimage in County Mayo. It is climbed by pilgrims on Reek Sunday every year (the last Sunday in July). The photograph dates to about 1910 and was taken by Fr. Angelus Healy OFM Cap. (1875-1953) who was known as the ‘Guardian of the Reek’ in honour of his long association with the pilgrimage. This association lasted from 1906 to 1949, during which he climbed the mountain forty-two times missing only two years, in 1919 due to a railway strike and 1922 due to the Civil War. (Image Identifier: CA-PH-1-51).

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