This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Fr. Kieran OShea

Lovely Listowel

The Silent Valley, Co. Down. Photo; Éamon ÓMurchú


Flowers in The Square in June 2022


More People from Writers’ Week 2022

Bernie Carmody and Eilish Wren were very happy to be working hard at Writers’ Week 2022.

My daughter took this picture of myself and Rose McGinty. It was great to see Rose back in Listowel after a tough old time health wise.

Charlie Nolan was out and about during Writers Week as well.

Three happy men and a beautiful lady. These are my fellow chroniclers and keepers of the flame, Charlie Nolan, John Lynch and Billy Keane. The lovely lady is John’s daughter, Deirdre.


New Shop in Town

I think it sells vaping stuff, CBD oil and lots of other odds and ends.


St. Mary’s Parish, Listowel

This book which was put together by the late Listowel priest, Fr. Kieran O’Shea has some great historical information about the parishes of Kerry.

Here is what it says about Listowel.

(more tomorrow)


Globe in Cobh

Garry and Anne Wilson who own Belvelly Castle were the people responsible for bringing the huge art installation which is The Gaia Globe to St. Coleman’s Cathedral in Cobh.

My family went to see it on its last weekend in town and their verdict, “Awesome”.


Mill lane, Raceweek Donkey Races and World Record Breaking “Golfer” and Listowel Ball Alley Project

Mill Lane

These buildings are in Mill Lane. They look to me like an old grain store. I remember horses and their carts pulling up outside such buildings and bags of grain being lowered to them from small upstairs windows.


Donkey Derbies during Raceweek

I’m sorry this is so small because its great and well worth reading. If you dont know how to make the font bigger, do, as one blog follower told me he does, and read it using a magnifying glass.

Another world record for the Browne family


Listowel Ball Alley Art Project

The volunteer artists have made a start on redecorating the Ball Alley.

On the day I was at the ball alley I was delighted to see someone using it to practice ball skills.


How to Behave in Church during a Pandemic


Another Green Flag for Childers Park

A well deserved award for our local park thanks to all the hard work of David Twomey and his team gardeners, the outdoor staff of Kerry County Council and Listowel Tidy Town Volunteers.


River Feale, Fr. Kieran O’Shea and the Demolition of the old Neodata Building

By The Banks of The Feale


A Memory

The late Fr. Kieran O’Shea from Bridge Road was ordained a priest on June 18 1961. Junior Griffin treasures this photo of his good friend giving him his blessing on that day. Apart from family, Junior and John B. Keane were the only two Listowel friends that Kieran invited to share his day. Junior appreciated very much the honour of being asked.

One of those ordained on that day was Bill Murphy who went on to be bishop of Kerry. There were 72 priests ordained on June 18 1961.


Neodata is Demolished

This was the old Neodata building. For a while it was home to Kerry County Council offices. Now it has been demolished and we are being consulted as to what we would like to see in its place.

The tinsel among the rubble suggests that once there might have been Christmas cheer in these offices. Any one like to share a few memories?

All that was left after the demolition was this pile of steel. And even that was being cleared away on Sunday November 13 2016


No Panto this Year

Oh yes, there is.

Oh NO, there’s not.  Pity!


Saturday’s Food Trail

This weekend November 12 and 13th Listowel’s annual food fair was in full swing. It was a great success with huge crowds at the various events. On Saturday there was a food trail around the hotel and restaurants of Listowel with free samples everywhere. We were late joining the posse so we missed the hotel but we went to the next stop which was Gapos. There was some lovely Armenian food and wine and the big crowd of samplers enjoyed a feast.

`Then it was across the road to Lizzy’s Little Kitchen where Lizzy, herself had soup and savouries ready and waiting for us. If you know Lizzy’s you’ll know that space is tight at the best of times. On Saturday it was full to overflowing.

Since my merry band included a babe in a pushchair and a tired toddler, we decided to call it a day, resolving to do it all again next year.

My visitors thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Listowel on the day of the  food fair. They’ll be back.


John R.’s pop up restaurant at Listowel Food Fair

On Saturday evening, when the babe and toddler and their parents had gone home we joined a discerning group of diners to enjoy a delicious dinner at John R.’s This restaurant was for one night only and was booked out almost as soon as it was announced. Emer and Paula were among the lucky few to get a booking . We enjoyed a great value varied menu accompanied by one of Pierce’s good wines.

My dining companions were my daughter and her fiancé. They thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The Walsh family pulled out all the stops to give us a lovely meal in  intimate and cozy surroundings.

Cork City Library,North Kerry Camera launch

My girls love Books

This library in Bishopstown Cork is one of their favourite places.

When I accompanied them there last week I saw this beautiful display connecting books to their origins in the forest.

Bishopstown Library is a beautiful space…..and it’s free.


At the Launch of North Kerry Camera

Four men who have added greatly to the canon of Listowel literature. Sadly, Vincent Carmody on the far right is the only one still with us.

Pictured with Vincent at the launch of his first book of historic Listowel photographs are Fr. Kieran O’Shea, Bryan MacMahon and John B. Keane, ar dheis Dé go raibh a nanamnacha go léir.


My First Sighting of an Election Poster

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