A Great Cause

They’re trying to raise enough money to purchase a bus for the use of the service users of St. John of God. If you’re looking for something to do on Friday night next, why not pop into The Listowel Arms. A great night is promised.


In Fashion

Two North Kerry fashion designers are in line for an award according to The Kerryman.


All’s Changed, changed utterly

Last week I attended Saicrimint an Chéid Aithrí with my youngest grandchild, Cora. This happy experience is a far cry from my own daunting first confession. 

Cora drew a picture of her “sin” or her ‘failure to love’ as it now is.

No gloomy confession box here. The little  boys and girls made their confession in the sanctuary in plain view of everyone. I even took a few pictures.

In the church of Christ our Light in Ballincollig, Cora presents her ‘sin” to Fr. George.

He listens as she explains the incident and then he gives her absolution.

Cora skips down the altar steps, her sin confessed and forgiven. Happy days!


Gorta Walk in North Kerry in the 1980s

Michael Dowling,  Derry Tatten and Gerard Lynch on  a fundraising walk in Moyvane, Knockanure and Listowel in the eighties.


From Minutes of a Council Meeting in 1945


After a long and unavoidable delay the British ex-servicemen’s houses are about to materialise at last. The initial work on these houses which are being built by the Irish Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Land Trust, was put in hands last week by a local contractor and I understand that four houses will be built for a start. To the Rev Canon Adderley, M . A. Listowel, more than to any other man, is the credit due for the much-belated coming of these houses, for he never lost sight of the promises made to the Irishmen who helped England in the hour of need.