This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: John Paul 11 Cemetery

John Paul 11 Graveyard and A Trip down Memory Lane and Mother’s Medicine in the 1950s

 Harp and Lion in May 2020


Lest we Forget

On VE Day 2020


St John Paul 11 Cemetery

I visited my husband’s grave last week.

Sea shells, a candle and crochet covered stones, tributes from family and friends.


From the Archives

In Greaney’s Spar at an NKRO event

Maria Leahy, Ger Greaney, Eilish Wren, Damien Stack, Grace Kelly, Jimmy Deenihan, Mary Cogan, Robert Pierse and James Kenny

Jimmy Deenihan and Billy Keane on the viewing stand at an old St. Patrick’s Day parade

Fr. Pat Moore R.I.P. signing for friends at the launch of his book, Weathering a Storm


I Remember it well

The hot water bottle eased every pain unless it leaked and scotched you half to death.

Sudocrem s still my go to unction for everything.

Dockleaves were for nettle stings

( Neantóg a dhoigh mé, cupóg a leigheas mé is a  seanfhochal meaning a nettle burned me, a dock cured me]

Lucozade was found to have no curative properties but it probably replaced any sugar loss.

Seven up had to be flat to work. Again, I’d say replacing sugar may be its only curative function.

We all know teas and toast is the best “meal” for a sick or recuperating child.

John Paul 11 Cemetery, October Horsefair 2018 and Feale Drive

Tree in The Grounds of Listowel Hospital


John Paul 11 Cemetery, Listowel


It was a Small Horse Fair 

The last horsefair of 2018 was held in Market Street on October 4th. Horse fairs have been changing and evolving over the years. The latest evolution fascinates me. The horses are tiny. This year’s October fair had a mind boggling amount of miniature horses. I’m presuming they are kept as pets or as companions for other bigger horses. 

Horses are very social creatures. They love the company of other equines. Traditionally a donkey was the animal of choice to keep as a companion animal. Now it would appear that the humble ass has been replaced by the more charming tiny horse.

This little horse was being carried around in a gig pulled by a full size horse.


Feale Drive


Launch of Betrothed

Followers of this blog will know how much I love stained glass windows. Well, there is another Listowel man who shares my love of this art form. Paraic Maher has launched a book, detailed the story of the marriage of Mary and Joseph as told in stained glass windows. He launched the book in St. Michael’s College, Listowel.


A Memory

This photo from 1983 resurfaces every now and again. It is of Listowel’s marching band and mentors practicing for the St. Patrick’s Day parade. This time it was Anne Marie McCarron who unearthed it in tribute to her father who passed away recently. Happy days!

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