New Kingdom Bar, Upper Church Street. Photo taken on May 17 2022. Equal billing given to Liverpool and Kerry, different codes evoking loyalty from Kingdom customers.


Society of St.Vincent de Paul

As I arrived in the shop last week, some of the lovely ladies who volunteer here were receiving a visit from their regional manager.

She must have been mightily impressed by this shop which is always beautifully laid out, well stocked and with the loveliest of shop assistants.

I made a bad job of photographing the window which was all dressed for Sustainability Week


Basketball Memories from Pres Yearbook 2003


Kerry Archeological and Historical Society in Listowel

Members of KAHS on the steps of Listowel Castle

Vincent Carmody, pictured here with Simone Langemann and Jimmy Deenihan was in action again introducing us to the wealth of writing talent on the streets of Listowel.

Jimmy Deenihan, chair of the society, gave some of the history of Listowel castle.

Kay Caball told us about the origins of Listowel Town Square and the the grand family that was the Kerry Fitzmaurice until their downfall.

She promises to tell it all again on the Friday morning walk during Writers’ Week.

Date for the diary…June 3 2022, meet at The Listowel Arms at 10.00 a.m. Even if you hate walking you’ll manage this one as it will have more talking and singing than walking.

We finished our day in Listowel with a trip to the Lartigue Museum and Jimmy told us a bit of the history of the train.


Some Handsome local Shops

Listowel people take a great pride in their streetscape. I am fascinated by the attention paid to the facade of the whole building not just the shop front.
