This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Kilflynn Fairy Festival

St. Mary’s

Sunset in Norway, Photo; Margo Anglim


Listowel Parish

Fr. Kieran O’Shea’s account of Listowel Parish (Continued)

Mosaic in St. Mary’s Listowel


Kilflynn Fairy Festival Postponed

After all the preparations and excitement the fairies had to cancel again this year.

So as not to disappoint all their fairy loving followers they promise to be back brighter and better in August 2022.


Old Tarbert

Photos: Pat Kelly

This photo from 1940s is of a horse drawn hearse.

Tarbert Regatta some time in the 1940s.


A Book Launch at Writers’ Week 2022

One of the problems about Writers’ Week is that there are constantly hard choices to make. In an ideal world I would have loved to go to everything but that would have required the power of bilocation. That one is not in my repertoire of super powers.

I had decided to see all the drama on offer this year. This meant that I inevitably had to forego a few events I would have loved to attend.

One such event was John McGrath’s launch of his Closing the Circle poetry anthology.

Two poets, John with Gabriel Fitzmaurice in Kerry Writers’ Museum before the launch.

Generously all the money raised by the launch was being donated to help the victims of the war in Ukraine. Noelle and Kate were on the door.

Radio Kerry’s Saturday Supplement presenter, Joe McGill with Catherine Moylan and John McGrath at the launch.


Corpus Christi procession 2014 continued and Kilflynn’s Enchanted Fairy Festival

Ballygologue Park was looking lovely on Sunday June 22 2014


Lovely new signage in Duagh


Enchanted Fairy Festival

Maybe it’s got something to do with our present love affair with everything vintage and retro but fairies are definitely enjoying a come back. Everywhere little girls are adopting fairies into their families and setting up little doors for the fairies to come and go as they please. 

Kilflynn capitalised on this trend at the weekend of June 28 and 29 2014

On Saturday evening crowds turned out to see a magical parade of fairies, elves and fairytale characters.


On  Sunday June 29  there were wizards, potions, a fairy trail, storytelling, a craft fair and lots of fairy related events. This super event was enjoyed in glorious sunshine by everyone who attended.

All the photos are curtesy of Jean Thomas.

The hard working committee have already pencilled in June 27 and 28 2015 for their next Enchanted Fairy Festival.


Our friend, Fungi, the Dingle dolphin now has his very own video on Youtube…..Wow!

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