This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Latigue Museum

Lartigue Museum photos, Mums and babies and a potential Rose

Official opening of The Lartigue Museum

McKennas with the French ambassador and Minister Deenihan

Noelle Hegarty, Bert Griffin and Paula

Norella Moriarty and Bridget Curtin

Oliver O’Neill and Mr. Brodbin.


From The Irish Independent May 6 2013

Members of the Listowel Family Resource Centre Mums and Babies Group at their Wednesday meeting. Front from left: Aisling and Aoibhinn Stack, Stacey and Tommy Murphy, Michelle and Sive Nolan, Marguerite and Seán Wixted-Nolan and Treasa and Ria…

The names of the back row are not printed. Sorry girls!

MAY 2013

New research suggests having a baby can
widen your social circle. So why are ‘baby mates’ so important – and do such
friendships last?

If you’re finding it hard looking after a
new baby, seek comfort from your new ‘baby mates’ – chances are you’ll have a
lot of them.

Research has found that new mums make an
average of nine new friends in the year after giving birth, with those new
chums usually living nearby and having a new baby themselves.

The study, by organic cotton children’s
products company Natures Purest, showed strong bonds are created almost
instantly amid exchanges of views and tips on subjects such as childcare plans,
illness and how to get baby sleeping through the night.

Indeed, half of the 2,000 women questioned
said its easier to bond with other women after having a baby.

Nearly half of the new mums made friends
with other women at mother and toddler groups, 31% in antenatal classes, and a
fifth through other friends.

And almost a third of mums in the survey
said they were worried about boring old friends with constant baby talk, which
was one of the reasons they formed new friendships with women going through the
same experience.

As well as antenatal classes, many
mothers-to-be or new mums meet at social gatherings such as Bumps and Babies

Belinda Phipps, chief executive of the NCT
parenting charity, says: “What often happens is that when women get
pregnant and their old friends aren’t going through the same life change, they
may find they move apart.

“Women who haven’t been through a
pregnancy can find it very hard to understand what it’s like – they might not
be able to share your world, so it’s easier to talk to people who’ve got that
shared experience with you.”

The survey found that sharing birth
experiences was by far the most popular topic of conversation for new mums –
73% would happily regale new friends with stories about their labour.


Some unexpected visitors to Saturday’s opening were this year’s Kerry contestants in the Kerry Rose of Tralee competition.

We ran into one of the girls again as we made our way to the Square. Our friend, Lorraine Kennedy will be representing Perfect Pairs.

Two of the chief engineers of Saturday’s entertainment were Damien Stack and Christy Walshe.


Dublin port on Wednesday night

Lartigue Museum official opening and Military Tattoo 2013

Some more photos of local people at the official opening of The Lartigue Museum on Saturday May 4 2013

Brendan Kenny whose family were railway people in Listowel for generations and Eileen O’Sullivan, retired librarian. Both Eileen and Brendan volunteer in the Lartigue Visitor Centre.

Cousins, Canon Declan O’Connor and Kay Caball with Mick Roche, a key figure in the restoration work.

Among the well known faces in the crowd are Christy Holyoake whose family were Lartigue people and Darren Enright who made the plaque which was unveiled.

Helen and Eddie Moylan.

The Griffin Family were out in force

Jack McKenna, whose generous donation was, according to Jimmy Deenihan, the main reason that the museum went ahead.  Jimmy himself donated all the proceeds from his book to the project.

Jack McKenna, as a child, was permitted to “drive” the old Lartigue. He is thought to be the only living person to have done so.

I shot a little snippet of video showing the large crowd who attended he opening;


Below is a link to Jer’s video from the Military Tattoo. He videod lots of the war materials, and other of the re enactors props.


Some photos from Saturday’s wreath laying in The Square. It was a very moving impressive ceremony…a first for Listowel. I dont know who everyone was but there were representatives of The British  Legion, some US veterans, FCA, Fire Service personell and local volunteer first responders.

Local army reservists

Seán McKenna an army reservist at The Curragh meets Michael Guerin.

Tom Fitzgerald was taking photographs. Jimmy and the ambassador were every nice and co operative. No Billy Connolly tactics here!

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