This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Listowel Horse Fair 2015

More Horse fair photos, Craftshop na Méar and Listowel Military Tattoo

Here are some sellers and buyers at the fair on Thursday July 2 2015

In this following sequence of pictures a young boy gets a leg up on to a horse and rides off bareback.

Some people seemed very relaxed and were enjoying their day at the fair.

People were fascinated by these pigs.

These ladies gathered to take a look.

Within sight of the superloo, plenty of poo on the street.


A Trip to Craftshop na Méar

Here is a taste of crafts available in Craftshop na Méar, Listowel these days


Why is there a Military Tattoo in Listowel?

This often asked question was well answered on Facebook by the people who organize the tattoo.

“Here is a very short and small snippet of why we do it:

2 of the 3 most famous fighter pilots in the RAF during WWII were Irish!
The 2 famous airborne divisions of the US Army during WWII, the 82nd Airborne and the 101st Airborne were commanded by 2 first generation Irish Americans!
The fighting Irish US army division of WWI were led ‘over the top’ by a Ballyduff man!
The founder of the Argentinian Navy was an Irish man!
The inventor of the submarine was an Irish man
And the most highly decorated US Army helicopter pilot of the Vietnam war was a Tralee man!
That’s only the tip of the iceberg- reason enough???”


A Visit to  Friend

Yesterday I visited Fr. Pat Moore in his new temporary home, Mount Desert.

I took a big risk and smuggled in a Kerry flag behind enemy lines. Fr. Pat’s friend, Fr. Jim Kennelly took a bigger risk by posing with it before returning to his parish, Boherbue in Co. Cork.

July Horse Fair, Castlegregory crafts and another football match

There were horses of all shapes and sizes on Market Street on July 2 2015.

There was plenty of horse trading too. Business was brisk.

These two men were friends by the time they struck the deal.


Shoe the donkey?


On the Street

These two claimed to be brothers in law but they told me so many lies I do’t know if this is another one.


New Craft venture in Castlegregory

We are used to Original Kerry  shops popping up at festivals around the county. They have now set up a more permanent home in Castlegoroy.

Crafters in this Aisling Craft Centre are full time artists. There is a great variety of hand made products available here. Well worth a visit.

Two North Kerry crafters whose work is available here are Karen Pleass and Donnchadha O’Connor

Thank you to Jos, of Kite Pictures for the photos.


When is a queen not a queen and a rooster not a cock?

Answer; When its a potato.


Here we go again, back down that road again….

Munster Final 2015 Cork v. Kerry replay Saturday July 11 2015. May the better team win!

July 2015 Horse Fair, Graveyard mass and St. Patrick’s Hall

Horse (and poultry, dogs, pigs, eggs and plants ) Fair

This is your blogger at the horse fair.

Do I look half afraid of that little donkey?

That’s because I was.

I had a great morning at the July fair. It was lovely to see such a variety of animals and stuff on Market Street on July 2 2015. Long may the tradition last!

More photos tomorrow.


John Paul Cemetery Mass 2015

A huge crowd attended the graveyard mass on Weds. July 1 2015 despite torrential rain. The annual graveyard mass is a lovely tradition. The congregation is scattered around the graveyard as some people like to stand at the grave of their loved ones.


St. Patrick’s Hall is getting a Facelift


On the Street

I met Monica and Frank from Providence Rhode Island on Library Road. They were looking for a needle in a haystack. This “needle” was one Joan McCarthy, a friend of theirs who had retired to her home in Listowel. With no more information to go on I think this haystack might have proved impenetrable, were it not for Vincent Carmody who sorted them out in jig time. Unfortunately, their friend had passed away but they were able to visit her grave.

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