This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Moriarty’s

A poem, Covid 19, Duhallow Knitwear and an old Áras Mhuire photo

Lower William Street in 2016


A Timely Poem


Duhallow Knitwear, a Listowel Connection

I included this old advertisement last week. It prompted Mike Moriarty, whose family ran Moriarty’s on William Street for years to tell us his memories of Duhallow and the Sheehan family.

                 My parents would have done business with Duhallow down through the years. I still have vivid memories of their rep, Tim Vaughan. The brand was very highly rated by our customers. Once a year we would visit the factory with our parents, This was at a point of the year when they would be selling “seconds”. Now you would be hard pressed to find a flaw in these garments but the regular customers to our shop could not get enough of them.

                  There was a strong personal bond between the owner, John Sheehan, and the retailers. We would have been entertained in his house. Indeed, when my brother, Ned, died John Sheehan, although quite frail, made his way to Listowel to the funeral. Later, when John himself passed away I was in Kanturk to represent the family at the wake in his house.


Mike Moriarty.

P.S. “Hose” was/is simply socks. Eventually I guess it referred to knitwear generally.


Áras Mhuire

I took this at a birthday party in Áras Mhuire a few years ago.


More of Mike O’Donnell’s Covid Cartoons


Old Neighbours, New Neighbours

Patrick Godfrey who has family  roots in Charles Street shared this photo of Mrs Moloney and Mrs Stack with us.

Marie Nelligan Shaw saw this photo of her old Charles Street neighbours and sent us this photo.

This is Mrs. Stack’s daughter, Doreen, celebrating her 80th birthday last year. Doreen and Marie are now neighbours in New York.


It’s a Fact

Rounded corners on electronic devices have been patented by Apple. 

(From Facts to make your Jaw Drop)

Ballydonoghue Legion of Mary 1930, Storm Darwin 2014, Aoife Hannon wins Kerry Milliner of the `Year

Some more storm damage

My friend, Joan Kenny, pointed out to me that when I was taking my stroll through the graveyard I missed the destruction that was done to the burial plot of The Presentation Sisters.

Roofs took a bit of a battering as well and roofers are busy these days.


You win some; you lose some


Ballydonoghue Legion of Mary 1930

 (photo; Jer Kennelly)


1940’s manual for employers


Apparently we have seen the last of this guy. This image will no longer be used in Birds Eye’s ads


We have a winner!

Milliner of the Year at The Kerry Fashion Awards is Aoife Hannon of Signatures, Lstowel

Four O’Connell Brothers, Moriartys and some visitors

Tim, Mike, Danny and John O’Connell now and then. The photo from her family album was shared by Noreen O’Connell, wife of John.


Norella Moriarty shared a lovely one from the family album as well, her family in the seventies. People who know Norella today will agree that she is the image of her late mother?


I met Theresa Richards and her daughter on Saturday. They were in Listowel on their annual visit from Massachussetts. They have traced their family tree back several generations through Guerins,  Heffernans and Deveraux. If I understood correctly, their family came from the cottage in this iconic photo of Ballygrennan.


Ger from North Kerry Reaching Out and I are planning a trip to our own local archive this week.

This is our parish priest, Canon Declan O’Connor in the presbytery looking up a baptismal record. He has given me permission to look at some of the oldest Listowel registers dating back to the 18th century. I’ll bring my camera.


Tomorrow night at 8.15 in the Classic Cinema, Listowel the Film Club will be showing 2 Irish films; one is Stella Days with Amy Huberman and the other is… Eddie Moylan’s Listowel Vintage Wireless Museum.

I’ll be there. Will you?

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