Thought for Today from Tralee Garden of Contemplation
Visitors and Local People in Main Street on Saturday 18 2020
Sea Rescue Training on a Sept. Sunday in 2020
Paddleboarder enjoying a sunny September Sunday on the water. No rescuing necessary.
Hospice Coffee Morning in Listowel Arms
September 24 2020
Here are a few of the generous people I met in the ballroom of Listowel Arms at the hospice fundraiser.
Mary complying with contact tracing guidelines.
Noreen Horgan Lynch +R.I.P.+
This September we lost one of Listowel’s most charming ladies. When I came to town in 1975 Noreen was a happy presence in her shop in 97 Church Street. She was ever smiling and welcoming.
Two of my early internet “friends” were the late John and Marty Sheehy. They both loved Noreen and spoke often with great fondness of their old Church Street neighbour.
At her funeral mass, in his lovely eulogy to his wife of 59 years, John told us that when he married her, her neighbour, Peig Murphy of Courthouse Road told him that he got the “nicest girl in town.” He learned that she was right.
May she rest in peace.
John and Noreen at a film show of John’s local films in St. John’s a few years ago.
John and Noreen and daughter, Deirdre, at Listowel Arms