Listowel Garda Station in May 2020
from Fogotten Ireland
A Gorse Fire
John Kelliher took this photo of a recent gorse fire.
Listowel Military
Maureen Barrett formerly of Ballylongford sent us this photograph. She only knows a few lads but maybe other people will know more.
I presume that this is the Listowel FCA/LDF members from away back.
I know only a few people that are from Ballylongford
front in center in civilian clothes is Dave Neligan from Ahanagran, Ballylongford,
first row standing 4th from the right is Tommy Hennessy (RIP) Ballylongford, peeking over his shoulder is Patrick Moriarty Ballylongford-sorry to say don’t know anyone else-some of your followers might be able to help-Maureen Barrett
Keeping Busy in Lockdown
Breda Ferris has been to the bog in Ballylongford.
In Switzerland, Laura, granddaughter of our friends Jim and Liz Dunn of Athea, looks after her chickens.
In London, Maria Sham, formerly of Listowel is busy baking and barbecuing.
Bernie Carmody visited St. Batt’s Well.
In Dublin, Eamon ÓMurchú went for a spin on his bike.
Eamon at the Eccentric Orbit sculpture in Portmarnock.