Doomed Youth

100 photographs of Tommies before they went over the top at the Somme are HERE

The British Independent is trying to identify them.

The title Tommy for British soldiers came about because the sample enlisting form was filled out in the name of Tommy Atkins


The School around the corner’s not quite the same


‘The school around the corner’s just the same,

The school where we were taught to use our brain,

Where is Dublin on the map?

Put your hand out for a slap,

Oh, the school around the corner’s just the same.’

In January 1964 Paddy Crosbie arrived in Abbeyfeale to record an episode of ‘The school around the corner’. Sheila Prendeville, St Ita’s Terrace performed a Skipping Rope Dance and received a prize of a school bag. She has the bag to this day and uses it to store all the important documents she has accumulated over all the years since. On Saturday night, August 30 we are going to recreate ‘ The School around the Corner’ at Fr. Casey’s GAA Clubhouse, follow it with a school sports day, enjoy a visit from the Fit Ups and finish the night with a school Hop to music by DJ Jeremiah Roche. Light refreshments served so no need to bring lunch. School uniforms optional. Reverend Mother armed with her measuring tape will be at the door checking that pinafores are a suitable length. There will be a prize for the student – male or female – with the hairiest legs, the student who brings teacher the blackest driest sod of turf, brown hairy sods will lead to a spell in the Bold Corner, the student who can recite the 12 tables and much more. Admission €10.


Well protected grave

This photograph of a grave in Ballyphehane in Cork appeared on The Apparently this measure was taken to deter bodysnatchers.


A Corner of Town Now and Then

(photo: Footprints on Facebook)

This premises was a bakery run by the Kerins family, then by John Cahill (father of Siobhan, who
played the grandmother in the original version of Sive, Maurice (R.I.P.) who was
married to Peggy Devereux, Cahirdown, and John, who played the part of
Carthalan in the play and is still hale and hearty, living in Cork with his
lovely wife Mary (JD) O Mahoney.

After the Cahills it was run by the
Beechinor family as a fruit and veg. shop.Then it was bought by John Scanlon
(Ballybunion) who ran it as a restaurant called The Spinning Wheel. Now it is
a shoeshop, Footprints. 

(Information from Vincent Carmody via the internet)


Looking Lovely

These lovely ladies are Deirdre, Aoife and Eileen Kelliher. I took the photo shortly before Aoife set off on an adventure to Dubai. I predict that she’ll be back next year as the Dubai Rose.


Michael Kelliher, Artist

If you are in town with a few minutes to spare do drop in to the Seanchaí to see Michael’s exhibition. He has some lovely copper work in the style of the late Tony O’Callaghan. Most of these are sold but they are worth viewing while you can. It  is lovely to see a talented local artist exhibiting his work in his native town.


Ruby, don’t take your love to town

Tracy is holding on tightly to the returned Ruby and pugs. Good police work by the local Gardaí and masses of support from the public saw all of the dogs happily returned to Kennedy’s Pet Farm. The birds are still missing.

 The family who run this tourist venture are absolutely thrilled to have their animals back. This is not just a business for Kennedys. Their animals all have names and personalities and are treated as part of the family. The family have all received a great lesson in how much they are loved and appreciated by all who know them and who visit the farm. We are all delighted at the happy outcome.