This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Shannonside Annual 1956 Page 1 of 2

A Tragedy in The Estuary, A Street Sign and Warring Celebrities

Photo by Éamon ÓMurchú in Mount Usher Gardens


Listowel Pitch and Putt Course

This course is always beautifully maintained. It’s a much appreciated local treasure.


Where the streets have two names

Is Listowel the only town in Ireland where the streets have two names?

The Irish name translates as Upper Ashe Street.

The name in English translates as Sráid an tSéipéil Uachtarach.


More Memories from Tom Linnane of Littor

from Shannonside Annual 1956

More tomorrow


A Fact

(From my Book of the Year 2019/ The world’s weirdest news)

Led Zeppelin guitarist, Jimmy Page, has a long running dispute with his next door neighbour over, among other things, the allegation that he plays his music too loud.

Who is this neighbour?

Robbie Williams.

What music is he playing too loudly?

Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Pink Floyd according to a letter sent by Page to his local council.

Williams’ representative denied everything.


Strange tales from Knockanure and Ballybunion

In rainy Mount Usher Gardens, photo; Éamon ÓMurchú


More Shannonside Memories from Tom Linnane

(Shannonside Annual 1956)

On St. Martin’s Night it was customary


Carroll’s of Course

Beautifully repainted building in Listowel’s Town Square


Lower Church Street

Recent refurbishment at Perfect Pairs has uncovered this old name, Molyneaux.


Ard Chúram News

Listowel has a new dementia day care centre, Fuchsia Centre


Ballygologue Cross, Outdoor Dining in The Square and Orators and their Hearers

In Killarney National Park Photo; Jim McSweeney


Ballygologue Cross in October 2021


An Observant Poet


Changes in The Square

The planning notice has gone up for our proposed outdoor dining and performance areas. There are to be three covered structures with lighting and benches. The plans are available for inspection until November 25th and there will be people in Áras an Phiarsaigh to answer your questions.


From Shannonside Annual 1956


Brendan Kennelly Essay, The Plaza and Jim Halpin’s Memories

Portmagee; Photo by Armel Whyte on Facebook


Showing Molly around

Molly was very lucky with the weather for her Kerry holiday. Here we are on the path by The Garden of Europe on a lovely Autumn day in 2021.


Remember Bingo?

Hard to believe that it’s two years since the last Bingo session.

A sad legacy of Covid 19.


From Shannonside Annual 1956


Memories of a former Tenant

I included this photo on my blog last week and I also uploaded it to Facebook. There it evoked these happy memories from Jim Halpin.

David Carrolls; where I started my fishing and shooting business from when we moved from our house at the Dirha Cottages back in 1982. lovely Lady Betty Anne Marian Mc Auliffe and Bob Downey behind the counter backed up by Lisa , Kevin and Anne.

I always remember the 2nd last fleadh cheoil that came to Listowel, tents and pegs, sleeping bags, gas cleaned out the week before the event. I think we took more money that week than we would take in a month. The good old days. With the Cows Lawn black with tents there was never a spot of trouble. Great music and craic. Tim O Connor, our postman and we hiding Tim’s post bag trolly. Charlie the manaquin out side the door. Patrick John Jones from Glin [not his real name] who would come to town every Friday and depending on the uniform would arrive into the shop giving out about it.

Christmas, Halloween the big window display with kids having their eyes glued to it.

Great to see it being used again. Great job, well done folks. People would comment of how friendly the Carroll family were and it being a pleasure to shop there and how the family appreciated the business.


Church Street Restoration, Asdee Chapel

Two pictures of Coomeenole in West Kerry taken by Éamon ÓMurchú on the same evening at almost the same time.


Loyal to the Traditional Facade

Many premises in Listowel are undergoing refurbishment at the moment. In keeping with Listowel’s status as a Historic Town, Kerry County Council’s Heritage Officer is closely involved with the renovations. This house on Church Street is a case in point.

It is being lovingly restored by its present owner who takes her role as custodian of our traditional architecture very seriously.

Since I took the first photo the door has been painted.

This is a picture of the same house one hundred years ago. This picture was taken in the aftermath of the infamous Black and Tan raid in Church Street which saw the next door premises, Flavin’s, completely destroyed and much of Lower Church Street burned and looted.

Note how the present owner has restored the original look of the house and her new windows are absolutely faithful to the old design.


The Story of Asdee Chapel Continued

From Shannonside Annual 1956


M.S. Society Busking Day 2010

Musicians and volunteers in Main Street on one of the good old days.


A Lovely poem from the late John McCarthy

(from John McCarthy’s anthology Hope on a Rope)

John was a passionate compassionate poet who tackled the subject of mental illness before it was fashionable to do so. He was an activist credited with starting the Gay Pride movement in Cork.

He was a great friend of John B. and Mary Keane.


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