This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: snow

Snow, Storm Emma, Writers’ Week team, Some words of wisdom and some old stuff

The Week we went Mad

Today is March 5 2018 and Ireland is picking itself up after one of the strangest weeks I have yet witnessed. We had an extreme weather event when a snow storm from the west met a wind storm from the east and we witnessed blizzard conditions.

We went mad. I think everyone ate sandwiches and soup for a week as supplies of sliced pans and vegetables sold out faster than they traditionally do on Christmas Eve. 

Slimming World  and Weighwatchers will make a killing from this.

Marie Moriarty took these photos in Garvey’s Super Valu, Listowel on March 1 2018 at 10.30 a.m.


Then we went outdoors and we made snowmen, snow women and snow dogs, igloos and even a sneachtapus.

A Kerry snowman…more specifically a Kilflynn snowman.

A Lithuanian/Kerry snowman

An igloo under construction in Kanturk. Igloos and snow sculptures were popping up everywhere.


This creation trumps them all.

A video appeared on Facebook of downhill skiing in Moyvane.

Aisling and her sisters made a Cork snowman in Ballincollig.

Meanwhile my Kildare based family were snowed in.

I am so lucky to have neighbours who look after me. Eddie Moylan shovelled the snow from my drive and Helen Moylan brought me a delicious dinner when our trip to Allos had to be called off.


Glentenassig by Deirdre Lyons


Ladies Who Lunch

No, they are not really ladies who lunch. The Writers’ Week team were bidding farewell  to their German intern when I met them in Scribes last week.


On 3/4/17 Fr. Pat Moore posted on his blog.

Worth repeating 

“Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves…do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given to you because you will not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now.”


Everything that is in God, is God”

Meister Eckhart 


Listowel girls?


Drink Aware

Billy MacSweeney found this poster which was issued as part of an anti drink campaign in 1919. I think they’d put you off drink alright.

Bayonne and Listowel


While I was on my holidays in Pays Basque, I went one day to Bayonne to visit the Basque museum and to explore this historic French town.

This is a typical Basque house. The whole extended family lived together, very often with the animals on the ground floor providing warmth and the grain store in the attic to be kept dry. Interestingly the eldest inherited, regardless of whether the eldest was male or female.

Old Basque headstones did not tell the dead man’s name or any of the particulars of his life except the year of his death.

These people lived high in the mountains in terrain unsuitable for a horse. This yoke is literally a yoke that tied two oxen together for ploughing. The farmer is often seen walking ahead of his oxen.

A milking stool

No fences here so the bell was an important locator…a kind of early tagging system.

A wine press

Basque people love to sing and dance at their festivals

The Basque people have a game very close to our handball which is played all over the Basque region. There are local variations of the game. Sometimes the players wear a glove or use a racquet or basket type implement. But what they have in common is the fronton. This is the court or wall where the game is played and you can see these frontons in the centre of almost every town in the region.

The Halle or market in Bayonne

A bit like Cork’s English Market, only smaller

Yes, they do eat horse. Here is a horse butcher at work.

There is a beautiful cathedral in Bayonne

Unusual depiction of the crucifixion. Is that St. Francis?

Some more familiar statuetry as well

They have a good idea in that they have a side chapel that is used on a daily basis and they leave the big cathedral for ceremonial occasions.


Meanwhile in the U.S.

Liam Murphy, formerly of Lyreacrompane, posted these photos on his Facebook page. This is the view front and back of his home as New England is caught in the grip of one of its worst snowstorms in living memory.


Listowel’s Clever Boys

Scoil Realta na Maidine keep us up to date on what the boys are at with frequent updates to their Facebook page. This week some boys were rewarded for their random acts of kindness and some second class boys tried their hands at sewing.

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