This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: St. Batts Well

Conor Pass, a New Granddaughter and St. Batt’s Well

Waterfall at Conor Pass by Éamon ÓMurchú


The Miracle of Life

There’s been a bit of a change in circumstances in the Kildare branch of the family.

Last week I got to visit the lovely Aoife, my newest grandaughter, who, at two weeks old is already everyone’s darling. Here she is making her Listowel Connection debut.


24 The Square, Listowel

This lovely town house has been home to some of Listowel’s most famous families. The Creagh family lived here before the O’Connors. This house is now home to Kerry Writers’ Museum.

This was the family home of Michael O’Connor, illuminator. Here are a few more examples of his work.

The alphabet is amazing. The second picture is a work in progress. Michael died at a young age leaving many projects at various stages of completion.


Our Ancestors were Superstitious

The Schools Folklore collection has many stories of superstitions and weather lore. Here are some beliefs the old people held that foretold wet weather on the way.

The Robin sings inside in the middle of the bush.
The Geese fly against the wind.
The Snail creeps up the wall.
The cat turns his back to the fire.
The wave can be heard for miles.
Red in the sky at east before the sunrise.
The warble fly lays its eggs on the cattle and the cattle run in the fields.
The high hill near Tralee is clouded at the east side.
The fish dont rise to the fisherman’s fly.
The cement floor gets damp
The spring wells will rise
The Seagulls come inland from the seashore.
COLLECTOR Gerald Mulvihill


St. Bartholamew

Today, August 24 is the day for visiting St. Batts Well in Coolard. Applying the water from the well to sore eyes is meant to cure ailments of the eye.

Predecimal coins, listowel military, Fighting Gorse Fires and Some Lockdown Activities

Listowel Garda Station in May 2020


from Fogotten Ireland


A Gorse Fire

John Kelliher took this photo of a recent gorse fire.


Listowel Military

Maureen Barrett formerly of Ballylongford sent us this photograph. She only knows a few lads but maybe other people will know more.

I presume that this is the Listowel FCA/LDF members from away back.

I know only a few people that are from Ballylongford  

front in center in civilian clothes is Dave Neligan from Ahanagran, Ballylongford, 

first row standing 4th from the right is Tommy Hennessy (RIP) Ballylongford, peeking over his shoulder is Patrick Moriarty Ballylongford-sorry to say don’t know anyone else-some of your followers might be able to help-Maureen Barrett


Keeping Busy in Lockdown

Breda Ferris has been to the bog in Ballylongford.

In Switzerland, Laura, granddaughter of our friends Jim and Liz Dunn of Athea, looks after her chickens.

In London, Maria Sham, formerly of Listowel is busy baking and barbecuing.

Bernie Carmody visited St. Batt’s Well.

In Dublin, Eamon ÓMurchú went for a spin on his bike.

Eamon at the Eccentric Orbit sculpture in Portmarnock.

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