This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

Tag: Zingy Zest

Zingy Zest, Revival and The Cows Lawn and Link to Just a Thoughts

Another shop Closure

Early 2020 has seen the closure of several businesses in Listowel. Zingyzest is added to Flavin’s, Kerry Wool and  One Stop Sweet Shop. I hope this trend is reversed soon.


Revival 2020

This festival gets bigger and bigger every year. This year’s line up guarantees that the tickets will sell out fast. Don’t be disappointed.


1945 Handover of the Childers’ Park

Kerry Champion Saturday, November 17, 1945; Section: Front page, Page: 1



Public Park.

Mr. R. A. Macaulay, solicitor to the Council wrote to the Acting Town Clerk under date November 12th enclosing map and letter received from Messrs. M. J. Byrne and Co. Solicitors, relative to the gift to the Council of a tract- of land at Gurtinard, donated by the Listowel estate.

Messrs. M. J. Byrnes’ letter explained that the property transferred is to be held in trust for the use of the inhabitants of the town of Listowel as a public park and no buildings of any kind are to be erected thereon without the consent in writing of the transferors.

Gifts Act.

Mr. Macaulay, the Council’s Solicitor, also wrote enclosing copy of the Local Authorities (Acceptance of Gifts) Act 1945. Mr. Macaulay’s .letter stated that he had not yet had an opportunity of preparing a draft scheme for submission to the Council but that he thought it would be of great assistance and would make for economy in time if the enclosures he sent therewith were submitted to the Council to obtain their views on the broad outlines of the undertaking. The Council may have definite views affecting the management of the gift property and also affecting the provisions of the proposed scheme and when such views were submitted to him he, Mr. Macaulay would prepare a draft of the scheme which could be submitted to the Council in due course. Having discussed the matter the Council unanimously approved as far as possible the provisions of the scheme but they requested the Council’s Solicitor to draft a scheme which would be considered at next meeting.


Just a Thought

Last week’s Thoughts are at the link below

Just a Thought

Garden of Europe in Autumn, Zingy Zest, Upcycle, Upstyle Alternative Fashion Event 2018

Photo: Mike Enright


“Puck may be famous and Galway be Grand……”

but Listowel is officially Ireland’s tidiest town.

Here are some photos of a jewel in Listowel’s crown, the unrivalled unique Garden of Europe. It’s one of the seven wonders of Listowel. There were at least forty shades of green there when I took these photos on September 25 2018, the day after Listowel’s win in the Tidy Town Competition.

The colour, the variety, the height and majesty of these trees is spectacular. If you visit Listowel and you leave without visiting The Garden of Europe then you’ve seen Hamlet without the Prince.


New Eatery Opened in Time for Listowel Races 2018

Zingyzest at Leahy’s Corner is the latest iteration of this shop.

This fast food and take away restaurant is a bit jazzy and out of keeping with our lovely old heritage square but they tell me that the Indian food is nice so they are getting the most important thing right.

The New Kingdom  is looking well.


Alternative Fashion Event 2018

It’s taken me ’til now to get around to posting photos of this great event, Vintage day on the Saturday at Listowel Races 2018 is run by Listowel Tidy Town Committee.

 Friends, Joan and Miriam were by the parade ring picking winners.

 The DJ was beautifully turned out for the event.

 Cathy and friend were getting in the vintage groove.

What a contrast! These two stylish outfits are from different eras.

If there was a prize for the best vintage dressed couple, Marlyn and John had it in the bag. John went on to have a well deserved win in the best dressed man competition.

My friends, Anne and Maria looked absolutely fabulous. I’ll tell you more of the story of their outfits later on in the week.

Frances is looking in awe at Maria’s hat. Maria collected seaweed from Ballybunion beach, dried it out, painted it and fashioned it into this gorgeous hat.

 Isn’t Anne lovely in her little vintage hat and fur stole?

Louise Stack won the competition in her vintage kaftan and homemade hat. Again, pity there wasn’t a competition for best turned out couple.


Plant Identified

Margaret Dillon recognised the plant that is so attractive to butterflies. It’s a Sedum.

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