Charles Street, Sunday April 6 2024
A Find
James Kenny found this copy of Michael Hartnett’s Last Aisling in the poet’s handwriting, dated and signed. I’m presuming the original is in the Hartnett archive.

David O’Sullivan located the poem in an old Sunday Independent.

An Aisling is a genre of Irish poetry. In it Ireland appears to the poet in the form of a beautiful woman. She tells him her troubles but encourages him and gives him hope for help is on the way.
The Stunning

Pres. Yearbook 2004-2005

Cover design by Joan Stack

A great year for basketball
Jer’s find in the Newspaper Archives
Irish Examiner Saturday, 27 January, 1894;
A KERRY Missionary. Among those selected by the Holy Father to go forth during the present year to preach the Gospel in foreign parts, is the Rev Thomas Griffin, a young Kerryman, who comes of a family which have given many faithful and zealous servants to the Church. Father Griffin, who is a son of Mr Jeremiah Griffin, formerly of Listowel, and late of Queenstown, was educated at the College of the Pious Society of Missions (to which Order he belongs) at Rome, where be was ordained last autumn, and had a most successful collegiate career, acquiring in addition to the indispensable classical and theological curriculum, a thorough knowledge of French, Italian, Spanish and German, which he speaks with fluency and ease.
A Fact
In 1937 laminated glass in vehicle windscreens became mandatory in Britain. My calendar didn’t tell me if Ireland followed suit but there was little or no vehicle manufacturing going on here anyway. Factories like Ford assembled cars from parts imported into their Cork plant.
John Keane
Thank you for such an uplifting blog. Love the Michael Hartnett poem.