Warning: If you have no interest in seeing what went on at  Writers’ Week 2013, look away now.

I’m starting today with Opening Night.

All of these people are members of the hard working committee. They were meeting, greeting and ushering on opening night.


Michael Lynch, Sean Lyons, Colm Tóibín and John Bowman were on the stage, introducing and officially opening.

One of my favourite singers in the whole world provided the entertainment on the night. His 

well researched literary introductions to the songs added to the pleasure for me.


The next generation of Keane writers was awarded a prize. This is John Keane, son of Billy and grandson of John B.  If my little typist elf makes a trip home any time soon I’ll ask her to type up his winning story for you and you can see for yourselves that the apple did not fall far from the tree.

This is the winner of the Kerry Group Irish novel of the year, This is the Way by Gavin Corbett was awarded the big prize. He was delighted and suitably humbled. I honestly believe he never expected to win.

Very busy on the night were Dick Carmody, Jerry McDaniels and Máire Logue.

I snapped this happy family on my way out of the hotel; John Keane with his proud parents, Billy and Elaine.


In the forefront of this picture is my 40 year old vintage bicycle. When I took it from its winter storage this summer I found I couldn’t pump it up no matter how I tried. Thinking I had a puncture, I took it to the lovely people in iBike in Charles St.  Judging by the bikes on display in the shop, I think they cater more for the bike racing fraternity and more serious cyclists. They treated me and my jallopy with respect and without criticism AND, since my trusty Raleigh was not punctured at all, just flat, they pumped it up and let me off scott free.  My bike was invaluable during the last week when traffic in town was often gridlocked and I just sped past the envying glances of sweltering motorists.

 Happy days!


Photos taken at the opening of the new church in Lyreacrompane in 1956. I sourced the photos on the North Kerry Reaching Out Facebook page.