It’s All About Books

If you love reading Listowel is the place to be this week. And it’s not really all about books. It’s mainly about people, particularly the people who write books and the people who love them. It’s also about music, drama, dancing, sharing, remembering, meeting old friends, making new friends, rubbing shoulders with lovely famous people and sitting down with  lovely ordinary people. It’s about a lovely North Kerry town opening its arms to welcome everyone to the great festival that will be

 Listowel Writers’ Week 2015

If you’d love to take a leisurely walk around town in the company of local historian, Vincent Carmody, then join the merry gang any morning during the festival for this most entertaining and informative of events.


School Tour

(Photo: Scoil Realta na Maidine)

Pupils of Scoil Realt na Maidine on tour; The boys in second class got to visit Fenit after learning all about St. Brendan. They also were able to see an old forge in operation followed a by trip to the park.


Children at Writers’ Week

One of the marvelous things about Writers’ Week is that it caters for all age groups.The Childrens’ programme is a case in point.

My photos are from last year’s puppeteers. This year we welcome Wild Boar Productions with a production written especially for Writers’ Week, A Hero in Red and White (and No it’s not about anyone from Cork) Come and see them on Saturday in the Community Centre at 4.00p.m.

Fully engaged member of the audience

Here are some we made earlier!


And Listowel will welcome racehorses and Well dressed ladies

Sonny Bill is not being shod for Listowel. He follows a different discipline but his equine friends will be heading west for a great few days of racing.