
I posted this picture yesterday and I wondered why there were so few boys in the class. Vincent Carmody solved the mystery.
There were always junior (locally called Babies) classes in both the boys and girls schools in Listowel. There was a custom for boys who lived in O’Connell’s Avenue or other houses near the convent or for boys who had an association with the convent to go there up to First Communion class.

I presumed that the full class of communion boys must have been in the new school. Not so. Éamon ÓMurchú remembers boys communion classes in the old school and in The Carnegie.
Everyone agrees that Quirkes of Church St. was the place to go for the best after communion breakfast.
Lovely Listowel

This Church Street shop has very elaborate and unusual embellishments on the first storey.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Honours Hannah

Listowel St. Vincent de Paul Society recently honoured one of its most treasured members, Hannah Mulvihill.
Illuminated Parchment Presentation

This photo was shared by Mike Hannon on Facebook. I recognise the occasion. It is the handover during race week 1958 of an illuminated work of art to the directors of Listowel Race Company.
The picture being presented is the work of Bryan MacMahon and Michael O’Connor.

Jer Kennelly found a great clip online that explains the work of an illuminator.
It is well worthwhile to watch this to appreciate the genius that was Listowel’s Michael O’Connor.
I am looking forward to developments at Kerry Writers’ Museum which will see O’Connor’s work displayed for us all to see. Many examples of the great artist’s work have been promised by their owners, often his family members, to the museum as soon as it has a place to conserve and display them.

Betty Remembered at The Races
In memory of Betty McGrath, her good friend, Larry Buckley, has organised a race at this weekend’s race meeting. The race will be run on Sunday June 5 2022, Ladies Day

In The Lingerie Room, Elaine is a is also remembering. Her window display remembers Betty, a queen of style.

New on Church Street

I checked out their website. I think it is a kind of government recruitment agency. This is what the website says;
“Get the tailored support you need Turas Nua is delivering the JobPath programme to help long-term unemployed people get the support they need to move into suitable, sustainable employment….”
NCBI Window Display

NCBI Listowel is getting behind Writers’ Week with this apt window display.

Mary O’Halloran was pictured at Navan recently.
Mary is a frequent visitor to Listowel Races where she is always one of the best turned out ladies on the course.
Mary is living with Motor Neurone Disease.
I can’t give her the 2 page spread Charlie Bird got in last Sunday’s Independent. But I can tell you that I greatly admire Mary and all the other people with MND who are quietly getting on with life.