Listowel Credit Union building in Sept 2023
A Stroll Through a Back Lane
In these days of modernisation and urban renewal it is great to see so much of Listowel’s history preserved in the back lanes.

The stone walls were built by Listowel craftsmen in a bygone era.

We can’t hold back the march of progress. For me the stone walls hold far more charm and history.
St. Michael’s Graveyard

Progress Report on the John B. Keane Mural

Martin was painting the first letters of the quotation on Sept 10 2023

Sept 13 2023, Martin Chute, muralist and Pat Nolan, wall owner at Listowel’s newest mural in the Creative Walls initiative by Listowel.ie
This John B. Keane quotation from his song, Sweet Listowel, will be very well received by everyone with a Listowel connection.
Here is the full song from Listowel Emmets website
Sweet Listowel
A song by John B. Keane as promised to Eric
Oh sweet Listowel I’ve loved you all my days
Your towering spires and shining streets and squares
Where sings the Feale it’s everlasting lays
And whispers to you in it’s evening prayers
Of all fair towns few have so sweet a soul
Or gentle folk compassionate and true
Where’er I go I’ll love you sweet Listowel
And doff my distant cap each day to you
Down by the Feale the willows dip their wands
From magic bowers where soft the night wind sighs
How oft I’ve roved along your moonlit lands
Where late love blooms and first love never dies
Of all fair towns few have so sweet a soul
Or gentle folk compassionate and true
Where’er I go I’ll love you sweet Listowel
And doff my distant cap each day to you.
(A link to one of the best singers of this song…Louis O’Carroll R.I.P. recorded and produced by Denis Carroll of Fealegood Productions ….
Sweet Listowel by John B. Keane)
A Story about Marriage
From the School’s Folklore Collection, Boy’s National School, Listowel
There was three sisters in one house and no one would marry the old one. The two young sisters got married and she was culled. There was one man and he said she would make a good wife so they got married and those days they used ride side saddle after being married behind the husband.
They all raced to be at the house the first and he rode too fast. There was a big ditch near the house. The horse would not leap the ditch. He came off and he told her to come off too. So he pulled out his gun and shot the horse. She asked him why so did he do that. “That’s what I do to anyone that wouldn’t be said by me” said he.
So at the wedding the three were drinking in the room. The three wives were playing cards in the kitchen. The three husbands were having a conversation on which of the wives would come to them at their first call.First girl that married her husband was to be called. The man that was married second was to be called second.
The first one that was called said she was dealing out the cards. The second one when she called she said she would when she have these five cards played. The man who shot his horse when he called her, she ran to him and he won the price of his horse back.This wife always answered his call when he called her.
COLLECTOR Joseph Cahill
Address Curraghatoosane, Co. Kerry
INFORMANT John Carmody
Age 81
A Fact
The tern canter to describe the easy comfortable speed of a horse is thought to have come from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. It described the slow measured pace of the pilgrims as they made their way to Canterbury.