More Changes on Church Street
November 2021

A Christmas ad. from 1958

Beautiful Ballydehob

Ballydehob is a bit like Lyreacrompane. Lots of people believe its a makey up place. The two places have something else in common too. They are real and beautiful.
Breda Ferris took the above photo of Ballydehob.
A Pres. Fundraiser

This photo from an old Pres album shows a group of seniors counting money. Can anyone name the girls and tell us what was the occasion.
Neil Brosnan ag teacht i gcabhair orainn
Last week I included a lovely account from a west Kerry schoolgirl of Christmas customs long ago. The piece included this sentence;
Oidhche Nodhlagh beagh oidhche na trí ríghthe creidhtear go ndeintear fíon de’n uisghe síoda de’n triopall agus airgheadh de’n ghreann.
The word triopall stumped me and I couldn’t find it in the dictionary. Help was nearer than I imagined.
Neil Brosnan wrote “I think I can help with ‘triopall’ – as in triopall of rushes. Rushes were used as door mats on special occasions. Triopall was a measurement – a gwall (gabháil) – the amount one could carry in one’s crossed arms. ‘A beart of rushes’. Tá an Gaeilge beo fós.
Listowel Food Fair 2021
The Food Fair was a low key affair this year. The only evidence I saw was a Garvey’s on Saturday, November 13 2021
