Photo of a Happy Man
Kieran Moloney of Listowel Tidy Towns Committee with the Best Small Town Trophy which has only once before been won by any town on two occasions.
John Kelliher’s marvellous image of our beloved small town.
Listowel Tidy Towns Vintage Day 2016…. My Part in it
This is the line up of finalists in Listowel Tidy Towns Vintage, Upcycle and Recycle’s Fashion event at Listowel Races 2016.
The competition was judged by Orlagh Winters and a representative from An Taisce. The lady in red on the far left was the winner. Niamh Kenny, second from right came third and Helen Culhane on the far right was a finalist
But the lady in blue is the cailín in whom I had a special interest. She is Mary Moylan and she was wearing the suit I wore as a “going away outfit” on my wedding day in July 1975.
This is me going away. You can see my bouquet in my hand as I was about to throw it, as per age old tradition, to the unmarried girls who were guests at the wedding. The photo was taken outside the Deerpark Hotel in Charleville. That is the back of my late mother’s head in the foreground.
This is an old ad for Dorene. My dress and jacket were made by Dorene.
It was purchased in Todds of Limerick. (photos from the internet)
You will agree that the outfit withstood the ravages of time better than its owner.
I am known in my family as a hoarder but my brother claims that keeping a suit that doesn’t fit me for over 40 years is a step too far even for me.
Mary with her sister, Alice.
Mary with her friend, Aoife, who provided the hat to complete the look. Mary’s jewellery was her grandmothers and her bag was originally her mother’s.
Kieran Moloney of Listowel Tidy Town’s chatting to one of the sponsors.
Mary won a hamper of goodies and a voucher for a Listowel shop. Listowel business people are really supportive of this competition and the prizes were substantial.
(Mary looked after me well too)
As well as the beautiful bouquet, she treated me to a delicious dinner which she cooked herself.
I’ll be rummaging in back of the wardrobe again for next year!
Mary’s interview with Orlagh Winters is here;
Mary Moylan interviewed by Orlagh Winters
Only in the USA.
Regardless of who wins the presidential election this November, we will witness history being made.
If Hillary Clinton wins the U.S. presidential election, it will be the first time in history that two U.S. presidents have slept with each other!
If Donald Trump wins the U.S. presidential election, it will be the first time in history that a billionaire moves into public housing vacated by a black family.
This sign is proudly displayed on my Mayo neighbour’s wall. I hope he has something to cheer about very soon.