Corner of Charles Street and William Street
Exotic Super Valu

When Super Valu got its makeover, it adopted a kind of rural Ireland in the 1950s vibe, using props like this pulper, wheelbarrows and pots etc.

Then you enter the shop this week and you are met by this big display of the latest sweet treat craze, Dubai chocolate.

I haven’t tasted it yet but reports say it’s delicious.
Found in a Clearout
Spring cleaning threw up this memory from 15 years ago.

Front: Anne Dillon R.I.P, Mary Twomey, Margaret Daly, Geraldine O’Connor, Sr. Consolata Bracken, Mary Cogan, Sr. Nuala O’Leary, Bridget O’Connor, Margaret Walsh, Mary Jo Dowling and Helen McCarthy
Back; Collette Daly, Bridget Maguire, Mary O’Flaherty, Caroline Reynolds, Anne O’Neill, Breda Ferris, Brian Coffey, Mary Kennelly, Anita Barrett, Sr. Eilish Daly, Grainne Henry, Elaine Keane, Johnny Ryan, Teresa Culhane, Eileen Keane, Mary O’Connor, Teresa Deenihan and Norma Dowling, Geraldine O’Donovan, Lisa Whelan, Jane Gleeson, Dolores O’Connor and John O’Flaherty
Bicycles, Tractors and Scooters
St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Listowel in 2925

Famine Times
In his great book, Teampall Bán, John Pierse included some accounts of Famine Times in North Kerry from the Schools’ Folklore collection. The memory of the Famine lived long in folk memory.

Mitchell McKenna has had a breakthrough in his family history research.
Looks like I finally got lucky – I saw a cached Ancestry.com page that said this –>
Jeremiah McKenna
Birth abt 1858 – County Kerry Ireland
Death 28/05/1918 – Maude St Shepparton Victoria
Mother Brigid O’Donnell
Father John McKenna
The date / address info is correct – Due to the inaccuracy of Ancestry I am a bit skeptical of the other part – that might be “Bridget” O’Donnell who passed away 1900 aged 80 .. listed as a “widow” and Farmer’s wife – As for John McKenna – there is one listed as having passed away on 1897 aged 77 as a Farmer / “married” .. and looks like a son William witnessed ?
I guess Rathea was a pure farming district ? – and the above might fit the frame ? – however for Bridget a 37-38 year old conception for Jeremiah in those days would have been a bit on the edge !! I’m guessing if I also perused Kilshenane Cemetery more would be revealed !
I’m wondering why Jeremiah emigrated because he was newly qualified, and things there might have been a bit better post the Potato Famine ? But I guess Melbourne was all the rage back then, being one of the most prosperous cities in the world at the time (Victorian gold rush) – and the looming expiration of the government assistance program for emigrants in 1883 probably cemented his decision and he took it up just in time.
A Fact
The collective noun for magpies is parliament.