A pheasant…Photo Chris Grayson
Tonight’s the Night
Listowel Community Rose Selection
With just a couple of hours to go the people at Áras Mhuire are delighted to announce that there will be a disco with DJ FATZ after the selection takes place in The Listowel Arms Hotel! Entry is included in the ticket price. So get your dancing shoes on and we look forward to seeing you all Friday night!
Tickets available to purchase by calling
(085) 883 0746 or (068) 21470

Big Maggie in St. John’s
John Kelliher took these brilliant photos of this excellent production by Listowel Drama Group of the John B. Keane classic.

Well done all. Great night’s entertainment.
Could it Happen again?
This time in Dublin.

In 1988 the Musical was Oliver
from the 1988 yearbook

A Fact
The blackbird is a member of the thrush family. Reliable estimates of the number of breeding pairs of blackbirds in Ireland now is 1,800,000.