This blog is a personal take on Listowel, Co. Kerry. I am writing for anyone anywhere with a Listowel connection but especially for sons and daughters of Listowel who find themselves far from home. Contact me at

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Athea Mural Relocation

Market Street on Saturday, February 1 2025

From the Archives

Every now and again Jer Kennelly delves into the nespaper archives and finds something with a Listowel connection. Sometimes the story ends there and sometimes the story (remember John J. Foley and Thade Kelly’s Hin?) takes on a life of its own.

Here is such a cutting from 1895 for you.

San Francisco Call, Volume 77, Number 133, 22 April 1895


Father Kirby Assumes Charge of the New St. Agnes Church.

SUPERIOR OF THE PAULISTS. Father Wyman Appointed to Succeed Father Brady of St. Mary’s. Rev. Father Kirby has been appointed pastor of
the new parish of St. Agnes by the Most Rev. Archbishop Riordan, and
Rev. Father Wyman has been named superior of the Paulist community at
old St. Mary’s Church on California street to succeed the late Father
Brady. Father Kirby preached his first sermon at St. Agnes Church,
which is a neat little edifice on Masonic street, near Page, at the
high mass yesterday morning. The church was built as an outside
mission to the Sacred Heart parish, and was under the jurisdiction of
Rev. Father Flood. Father Kirby is a young man of zeal and talent. He
was born at Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland, on April 16, 1860. His
early education was gained at Mount Melleray and at All Hallows. Later
he attended the seminary of St. Sulpice in Paris. On the 17th of
March, 1883, he was ordained by Bishop Higgins of Kerry, Ireland. He
“came to San Francisco in the spring of 1883. His first appointment
was as chaplain of St. Mary’s College, from where he was transferred
to Father King’s church in Oakland. Later he served two years as
assistant to Father Serda at Temescal. On September 2, 1885, he was
appointed as assistant at the cathedral, where he has since resided.
Of his family a brother is a priest, Rev. Thomas Kirby, at Mission
Dolores, and two Sisters are members of the Presentation Order, Sister
Augustine in Berkeley, and Sister de Sales in the Powell-street
convent, this city. Father Wyman has long been a Paulist missionary
and is well known throughout the United States. He prefers missionary
work to the cares and responsibility of a pariah and looks forward to
the appointment of a permanent superior to succeed him that he may go
into the country and preach. “We have received requests for
missionaries from different parishes all over the coast,” he said
yesterday, “and we are anxious to comply. Missionary work is the
object of the order, and for myself I much prefer that field. If we
had the priests we could send them north to Washington and south to
Arizona. Besides, California and Nevada must be looked after.” The
work of remodelling old St. Mary’s Church will begin this week. The
interior is to be handsomely painted and frescoed, and the idea of the
Paulists is to make the historic tabernacle one of the most beautiful
in the city.

An Interesting old Post Box

in West London

Another Photo from Carmel Hanrahan

Left to right: Tom and Eileen O’Halloran, John and Breda Hanrahan and Joe Mc Namara & Betty. 

I took this picture late last year.

This is just a small section of the artwork but it gives you an idea of the complex detail of flora and fauna, legend and history woven into this masterpiece.

The mural was given a temporary home on a long wall until the nearby premises was sold. This has now happened and the new owners have plans for the space so the masterpiece so dear to everyone in Athea must be relocated.

Athea Tidy Town Group undertook the task of dismantling it and minding it.

Here are some of the pictures they shared on Facebook.

A Fact

In Germany about 2000 schools were closed between 1989 and 2009 because of the fall in the numbers of children in the population.


Christmas 2024

Lizzie’s with Fairytale of New York themed windows

Seamus Heaney Poem

A Delightfiul Christmas Present

This lovely gravity defying fieldmouse was carved for me from lime wood by a superb craftsman, Tony Woulfe.

Tony lives in Gorey, Co Wexford but he has family roots in Athea. He has a Listowel connection in that one of his many wooden creations was presented to the connections of a winning horse at Listowel Races.

As well as wood carving, Tony likes to write. He is a keen family historian and a great recorder of life as it was in his young days. We will hear more from him here in 2025.

Christmas 2024 in Listowel

A few photos from our lovely town at Christmas 2024

Memories of Christmas in Listowel in the 40s and early 50s 

By Marie (Canty) Sham

Maria grew up in O’Connell’s Avenue Listowel. Here she looks back on a very happy Christmas time

I remember

Going to the wood to cut the holly which grew wild, and the moss to put on the crib. 

Christmas Eve cleaning the house, the excitement of setting up the crib filling jam jars with sand and putting the candles in them, decorating them with crepe paper, putting up paper chains, my mother would have made a large Christmas pudding in a gallon and put it aside 

The turkey or goose was bought at the local market and plucked by our neighbour Bill Boyle. He must have done it for everyone because the road would be covered in feathers. The innards were still warm when it was cleaned out, that was all on Christmas Eve so it was fresh.

We were not well off but we were lucky as my father was always working, we were not short of anything. At that time in Kerry there was a lot of unemployment.

The shops mam shopped in during the year gave a Christmas box. One shop would give tea, sugar and maybe a pot of jam. That shop was called Jet Stacks and it is not there now. The butcher Murphy’s would send Danny to deliver us maybe a large piece of lamb, of course it would be delivered by him on his bicycle with a basket in front

I can also remember a donkey and cart outside the shops with a tea chest and all the shopping would be put into it. These people would be from the country and would not come to town again until after Christmas.

There was a shop called Fitzgibbons and we would pay in whatever we could afford for toys or anything else. I paid in sixpence a week for a sewing box and I still had it when I got married. Mam paid every week for the Nativity figures for the crib. I have never seen anything so beautiful since.

The ham would be on the boil and the crib set up. The candles would be lit by the youngest member of the house, I think at 7 o’ clock .

Our clean clothes would be kept warm over the range ready for midnight mass.

Going out on the frosty night and seeing all the windows with lighted candles was wonderful.

Home after mass a warm fire in the range, a slice of the ham or maybe a fry! Our stockings would be hanging at the end of the bed. We did not get much; my dad was very good with his hands and would make things for us. He made a scooter once and a rocking horse.

My brother Neil wanted a mouth organ and it was like in the song Scarlet Ribbons, dad went to so many shops until he got one for him. I was too young to remember that but mam told that story.

Christmas morning I will never forget waking up to the smell of the turkey roasting.

Up quickly and look if Santa had come, our stockings might have an orange, we always got something. I remember getting roller skates; I also remember getting a fairisle jumper from Santa. The problem was I had seen my aunt knitting it. All the children would be out in the Avenue with their new toys to show off.

Before dinner our neighbour Paddy Galvin would come in to wish a Happy Christmas and mam would give him a bottle of stout. I think that was the only time he ever called in. We would have lemonade and stout in for Christmas.

Dinner was wonderful, our Mam was a great cook. There was Mam Dad, Nelie, Paddy, Doreen and myself. My brother Junie came along later, and after we would wrap up warm and visit the cribs; one in each church, hospital, convent and St Marys and bring home a bit of straw for our crib which I think was blessed.

More food when we got home 

Bed and looking forward to St Stephens day and the Wren Boys, no cooking on that day we finished up the leftovers.

What wonderful times!

Flavin’s Window

Moments of Reflection

Mary Hanlon met me on Church Street and I accompanyied her to Woulfe’s to sign my book for her.

If you are stuck for a Christmas present, don’t forget my Moments of Reflection is available in Woulfe’s, Eason, Listowel Garden Centre, Garvey’s, Prifma and Kerry Writers’ Museum.

It is also in Watsons in Duagh, OMahonys in Tralee and The Friary Bookshop in Killarney, in Presents of Mind and The Kanturk Bookshop in Kanturk

On Radio Kerry at around 7.25 a.m. and after the news at 12.00 you can hear me read my Thought for the Day. Some of this week’s Thoughts are in Moments of Reflection.

A Sean McCarthy Poem

A Fact

We know about fingerprints, but did you know that each of us has a unique tongue print?

Listowel, Athea and Brehon Laws

“The trees are in their Autumn beauty.

The woodland paths are dry….”

Sustainable Fashion at Listowel Races 2024

These are the Tidy Town volunteers who introduced this event which has become the Saturday highlight of race week. They turn up year after year to run this marvellous competition. It has evolved over the years from having some entries that looked like school projects to be a themed fashion competition to rival Friday’s best dressed lady’s event. Many of this year’s outfits would not have been out of place in the Friday competition.

Kathleen O’Flaherty always looks stylish.

This lady got a special prize for inventiveness.

Frances O’Keeffe was the winner of the first sustainable fashion competition at Listowel Races. Her daughter, Edel, won a few fashion prizes too.

The story of the outfit is part of the entertainment of this competition. Maria’s stories areaways the best. Maria Stack was wearing gloves and a hat gifted to her by her late friend, Mary O’Halloran. Mary was a great supporter of Listowel Races.

Tidy Town ladies and An Taisce judge are intrigued by the back stories.

Something Old

This is the kind of old fashioned pram babies slept in in the 1900s. The net over the pram was to protect the infant from flies and wasps and to deter the cat from jumping in with the baby. There was usually a string of coloured rattles across the hood in view of the baby and nearly always a holy medal pinned somewhere.

In Athea

The celtic mural in Athea celebrates Irishness in hundreds of symbols but it also celebrates local people and the enormous talent in the area.

This young flautist is like a snake charmer conjuring up shamrocks, birds, snakes and entwined celtic symbols.

What could be more Irish than a step dancing cailín?

A local young girl immortalised forever among the oak leaves in this impressive piece of wall art.

Brehon Laws

Lately I came upon this treasure of a book in the IWA charity shop. It’s all about the Brehon Laws. These laws were passed on orally since the first centuryBC. They were written down for the first time in the 7th century AD and they were in use until the reign of Elizabeth 1 who replaced the old Brehon Laws with English common law.

The laws give us a great insight into how our ancestors lived.

The great assembly was usually held on Tara. The elders came together to discuss and, if necessary, amend the laws.

Music has always been part of Irish life. There was a hierarchy of musicians with the harpist having pride of place.

A Fact

Percy Spencer invented the microwave oven. He patented it in 1945.


Stags, Horses and Style

Waiting in the long grass…Chris Grayson’s image of stags in The National Park before the commencement of the rut.

Tackling a Horse

This photo of a workhorse in Jim Dunn’s great Athea mural led me to boast that I once could name every piece of tack on that horse. Mattie Lennon helped me out.

There is a winkers on the horses head and a bit in his mouth. The reins is attached to the bit.

Around the horse’s neck is the collar and hames. The reins goes through this.

On his back is the straddle and britchen.

If the horse was attached to a cart, a bellyband under the horse and attached to the shafts prevented the cart from tipping up.

The brass attached to the winkers was an optional piece of horse jewellery.

Gortaglanna Memorial

Gortaglanna Celtic Cross

I thought that the white commemorative steps on the roadside were the memorial to those who fell at Gortaglanna, but I was wrong. Kathleen Griffin sent us these pictures which she took on a rainy day in 2016 of the bigger monument. This memorial is in the field where the men died.

There’s Always Hope

Some of the local Style on Ladies Day at Listowel Races 2024

A gravity defying creating from milliner, Cathy Troth

One for the Diary

Signwriter at Work

Martin Chute was on his scaffold painting Listowel Garden Centre sign as I was going to Thyme Out for a cuppa and a chat.

Martin is used to immersing himself in his work and ignoring distractions.

But when he spots me, he is always willing to chat.

On this occasion he descended the ladder to pose with Barry McAuliffe and his son who are home on a visit from the U.S. Barry is one of my oldest internet friends, from the days when we were all on He reminded me that he won Vincent’s nearly impossible quiz and he has the placemats to prove it.

A Fact

Albert Einstein’s brain had a parietal lobe that was 15% larger than the average human brain


Athea, Listowel and Abbeyfeale

Athea Footbridge

Culture Night, Friday September 20 2024

Clíona and Aoife McKenna in The Square

Aoife in St. John’s for her first ever experience of a live performance

Mr. Bubbles was brilliant and held his young audience enthralled.

We met Sinead Bunyan and family in The Square

David Browne and Jimmy Hickey

From the Schools Folklore Collection

School: Cnoc an Iubhair (C.)

Location:  Kealid, Co. Kerry Teacher: Máire Ní Cheallacháin

A True Story

There lived in Carrueragh at one time a man by the name of Costello with his two children.

He lived in a farm out of which another family had been evicted by the Landlord Blacker Douglas.

The White Boys had determined to murder everybody that had anything to do with the Landlord and so they came to the house of the poor man who was a widower. They took him a little distance from the house and killed him.

The two children cried until they were hoarse and the hoarseness never left them.

As the man was dying his blood spattered on a stone beside him, and the stone is still there bearing the name of “The blood stained stone”.

A Few Friday Racegoers

These three ladies should have been in the final shake up for Best dressed. Imelda Murphy, Faith Almond and Maria Stack all know a thing or two about styling, tailoring and millinery.

Niamh Kenny was accompanied by her lovely daughter. Niamh wore a hat in the shape of a quill as a nod to Listowel’s literary heritage.

This hat was chosen by the judges as the most creative headgear. It was created by Cathríona King of Galway.


Legendary Football Teams

Launch of Moments of Reflection

Me with Mary Fagan who was the special guest on the night

Me with my good friend, Margo Anglim

Miriam, who loves Listowel and comes back as often as she can. Dulce, who loves Listowel and has come to Listowel to live.

Robert and Eileen Bunyan

Promoting my Book

I was in Abbeyfeale on a wet afternoon last week.

An Siopa Milseán is like taking a step back in time….lovely shop, lovely stuff, lovely people

If you live in Abbeyfeale and you’d like to buy a copy of Moments of Reflection, this is the shop for you.

A Fact

Coffee consumed in large doses can be lethal. 10 grams or 100 cups in four hours can kill the average human being.

Health Warning; This fact was sourced in a book of trivia. Under no circumstances should anyone put this “fact” to the test.


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